Ch. 9 - The news is out

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Three was woken up late in the afternoon by the sound of whining and something scratching the door from the outside of the room. Curiously, he got up, careful not to wake smg4 in the process as he walked towards his dresser, grabbing some clean clothing which happened to be black shorts and a purple shirt, along with some clean boxers of course.

Already dressed, he slipped on his fluffy slippers as he walked up to the door and opened it. Eggdog, his beloved pet, was revealed on the other side, looking rather upset and worried. "Eggdog," Three started, "What's wrong boy, are you okay?" He kneeled down picking up eggdog and held him in his arms. That's when he heard a loud ruckus going on outside of the cafe, 'what the hell?' He thought, quietly closing the door behind him as he ran to see what was going on.

Looking through the bottom half of the windows as the top were covered by the metal blinds, crouched down, he noticed a whole lot of people in one huge group, shouting and screaming for the cafe to be opened. He noticed a few vans that were owned by the people who do the news, the reporters being outside waiting alongside the huge crowd.

"Why are the news here?! Why are all these people here?!" Eggdog just whined in response, sensing something wasn't right. He then noticed someone different from the rest of the crowd, not just one person, and they happened to be Meggy and Mario, alongside Luigi and Saiko. They had pushed themselves to be in front of everyone, saiko with her hammer yelling at everyone to back up as Meggy waved her arms and stood in the way of the cafe's door. Mario and Luigi got behind the girls, Luigi beginning to knock on the door as Mario used his phone to call smg3.

His phone rang from the front pocket of his pants. He grabbed a hold of it, answering as it was Mario calling him. "Hello?" He heard.

"Mario! Why the hell are all these people here?!"
"Well I don't know! Me and Luigi were making our way over when we saw everyone out here, Meggy and saiko were standing here as well-"

Mario was cut off as Meggy yelled beside the phone as she stood guard, "Smg3 let us in! I'll explain what's going on once we're inside!"
Three wasted no time, quickly going to the door and opening it, Mario being the first one jumping in while holding on to Luigi, and then Meggy and finally saiko, halfway through as she swung her hammer around to make sure no one else entered. Three pulled down the steel blinds, completely closing down the cafe.

"CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Three shouted, facing the small group of friends. Eggdog gently pushed himself out of three's arms and made his way to three's room to face the sleeping meme guardian.

Meggy walked up to three, catching her breath.
"First off is four here?"
"Yeah he is, he's in my lair asleep."
"Okay good, I figured he would be here since Mario said he wasn't at the castle. Anyways umm it's all over the internet.."
"..What's all over the internet?"

Mario walked over to three holding his phone out, revealing a post all over Twitter with a picture of smg4 and himself holding eachother at the park sitting at the bench. The caption stating:

"Famous meme guardians smg3 and smg4 caught with eachother hugging at the park, what a bunch of fag weirdos lol"


Four woke up to the feeling of something small and wet licking the side of his face, feeling a small weight on his chest as he laid on his back. He opened his eyes and found himself face-to-face with eggdog.

"Oh," He giggled, "Hey eggdog.." He yawned, beginning to stretch his arms out, sitting up. He made sure the his bottom half was completely covered with the bed sheets as he held eggdog in his hands and turned his head to the side, realizing smg3 wasn't in bed.

Eggdog whined, snuggling closer towards four. His attention was turned to him, noticing how unusual eggdog's behavior was.

"Are.. you okay lil buddy?.." Eggdog nudged his head towards the door, four's eyes setting on the sight of the door. He began to think about smg3, feeling his heart tighten, fear slowly creeping up on him.
"Is smg3 okay?!" He asked, his eyes widening from the thought that three possibly wasn't.
Eggdog barked then whined as he jumped out of bed from four's grasp and made his way out the room. Four wasted no time as he got out of bed having the bed sheet wrap around his naked body. He crouched down and grabbed his clothes making his way to the bathroom to get clean and dressed.


"What the hell?! Who posted this?!" Smg3 angrily asked, yanking the phone out of Mario's grasp, starting to click on the person's profile only to get nothing of information of who the person could be.
"We aren't sure who it could possibly be-" Meggy replied but was interrupted as three whipped his head up towards Mario.
"What?! I didn't do this!" Mario replied as he backed away with his hands in front of him.
"Woah three, Mario didn't do it, sure he does stupid things but he wouldn't go this low."

Three held himself back, taking a deep breath giving Mario his phone back as he rested the palm of his hand against his forehead, his other hand on his hip.
"I guess you're right Meggy, sorry Mario, didn't mean to accuse you."
"It's fine, Mario accepts your apology." Mario replied with a small smile. Eggdog stood next to three the whole time, snuggling his leg once he calmed down, making three look down and pick up his precious son.

The sound of a door opening made everyone in the room snap their head to the side, suddenly seeing smg4 come running out with a frighten look on his face. He stopped by the front counter, his fear turning into sudden confusion as he took notice of his friends being in the cafe, confusion turning into relief as smg3 came into view as he walked up to four.

"Are you alright four..?" Three asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, I was just worried because eggdog came up to me when I woke up and he seemed upset, which worried me that something had happened to you."

"Oh, well don't worry I'm fine, well sort of-"
Suddenly, the shutters began to quake which caught everyone's attention. The loud banging noise coming from outside the cafe began to sound louder and louder, people screaming that they wanted answers, for smg3 and 4 to step out and explain how it all happened, and fangirls screaming in joy that the meme guardians have made it official.

"Uhh.. what's happening out there..? And why are we locked in here?"
"Smg4," Meggy started, "Don't freak out but-"
"Everyone knows about you and smg3!" Mario interrupted, jumping in beside four as he showed him his phone. Four grabbed the device out of Mario's hand, the curiosity in his eyes dying out and being replaced with utter fear and disbelief. He could feel how his heart had dropped, reading the caption made everything worse.

'Fag weirdos..?'
'Everyone knows..everyone.'

He felt like throwing up, his stomach doing flips and turns, causing his hand to grip uncomfortably tight onto his stomach. The constant banging sound became even louder, the noise from outside. The room suddenly felt more smaller, he felt more trapped which quickened his breathing. He couldn't stop himself as he mindlessly began scrolling down into the comments, catching what some had said.

Bunch of hate comments of course, some saying how could someone love smg3, how could anyone consider smg4 a good person to date due to him being a weirdo, that they couldn't be together, that it wasn't right. His mind was so focused on the hate remarks he couldn't really read what the fans had said, which was being excited for the two meme guardians.

He couldn't hear what three was trying to say to him, he felt his hearing go out, hearing this high pitched loud ringing in his ears causing him to drop the phone as his hands went up to to the sides of his head, his eyes tightly closed in pain.

"Four..?! Four!" Three's shouted, sadly four couldn't hear from everything being muffled out, his head spinning, the thoughts coming back.
"Hes panicking!" Meggy said as she panicked herself.
"Three calm him down!"
"What do we do?!"

'Three deserves better.. you know it's true.'
'You're worthless!'
'You don't deserve him.'
'What were you thinking?! You and him together? Happy?'
'Everyone's judging.. judging..'
'Stop it stop it stop it..'
'S̷̱̭̤̠̱̹̮͋̆͝-̶̭͙͖̲͍̦̘̐͘S̷̘̺̱̪͇̰̳͕͍̬̎̆Ḩ̵̰͇̝̱̲̭̏͒̊͋͠Ų̵̠̺͚̰̟̩͇̗̐̌̀̅̚͝͠T̵̤̟̘͖̠̰̥͚̄̽̉̔̇͛̿͠ ̵̢̨̼̼̹͇̈́́͋̀͊̊Ử̶̠̫̳̩̘͙̈́́ͅP̷͕̱̭͉̐̆̓͋̃̽̀̾̋̅!̵̢̩̙͔͔̭̦̗͚͝ ̵̮̺̬̯̩͉̎͌͑͛͐̒͜͝L̵͎̖͓̬̩̰̻͓͐̎̈́̋͊͑̈́̂̃̃Ě̸̲̈́͑͑͗̌̉͊͆͜ͅǺ̸̡̼̫͉̜̽̓́̅̕͝͠͠V̸̧̨̢̙͍̠̩̑͆̿̇́̌̽̈́̉ͅE̷͎̹̬͖̗̱̋͊͌́͂́ͅ ̷͔̠̇́̌̕͝M̷̛͉̑̎̊̉̄͌̇͝Ę̷͌͂̚ͅͅ ̴̳̪͎͍̤̌̀͠͠Ȧ̸̢̢̖͙͖̝̥͓̮͈̀́̽̋͂͂͘Ḻ̴̜͓̜̐̐̊͋̀̉̚Ò̵̘͍̟̗͇͖̮N̵̮̍͝Ȩ̴̧̛̬̒̽͌͋̏̍̃͝!̷̛̩̼͉̹̬̻̤̜̺̺̊͆̊̀̏ ̷̧̺͉̰͆S̵͎͎͌̄̄̂̆́͆́́̒T̶̡̟͍̪̗̔̌͊́̔̎̆̈͜O̷̥̊̋́̔͛̀̇̅P̷͔̪̜̰͍̭̽̓!̷̮͇̜̲͇͍̹̌̽͗̌̉͗̿͌̚͝'

Then everything suddenly went quiet as he eventually blacked out.

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