Ch. 4 - Repetition

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The cafe was back in good condition! In order to apologize and not lose any good costumers, smg3 gifted everyone a free coffee and that indeed did satisfy costumers. Meggy informed three that she had since she had something planned for today and Mario went ahead fo bother Luigi for the day.  Three called four to come over so four could keep his mind occupied and take a break from making memes just for today. Three was happy he agreed, in that way he could keep an eye on him and try talking to him some more.

Four got dressed and ready, washed his face from the all crying he endured while staring at himself for a moment. Thoughts on his worth and physical appearance suddenly rushed into his head. He stared, lifted his hand and rested it on his cheek. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable on how he looked, couldn't help but feel the guilt washing all over him.

'You aren't a good friend.'
You're nothing.'
'You don't deserve to be forgiven.'
'You don't deserve your friends.
'You don't deserve hi-'

His thoughts were louder this time and he hated it. He washed his face again, pushing the thoughts away and focusing on the sound of the running water coming out from the faucet.

'Don't think like that. It's not true it's not- it is. Don't deny it you monste-'

He turned the water off, dried his face off and grabbed his hat as he walked out of the castle making his way to Smg3's cafe and bombs.
When he arrived, three was the first to turn and look at who had entered.
"Hey you," He grinned, lifting his hand and doing a small wave.
Four shyly smiled, making his way behind the counter where three was.
"Would you be willing to help make the costumers order? You don't have to pass them out I can do that."
"Oh- sure, I'd be happy to help no problem!"
With that, the day began to move again, with four making the orders and three passing them around as he said he would.


After a while, the sun began to set as costumers slowly started to show up as the day was almost over. Being at the cafe really helped four as he interacted with three a lot and with many different kinds of people as he took their orders. Beeg and eggdog appeared from the room smg3 had underground and beeg was very happy to have his owner back. He expressed to four as he had jumped into his arms how worried he was and how angry he was at four for making him feel so upset. Four apologized and explained to him it won't happen again. Eggdog had jumped into four's arm as well, licking his face in a loving gesture which four didn't mind and found it cute.

He felt happy, his heart feeling good and warm. Pounding at a faster rate each time three flashed him a sly smirk or made eye contact with him as they both managed the cafe. As the day had finally ended, three and four cleaned the cafe as beeg and eggdog were running around playing with one another.
"Hey three..?" Four had said , as he was the first one to finish cleaning around the counter and the half the tables.
Three turned and looked at him.

"Thank you for having me here, it was really helpful and I felt more at peace."
"I should be thanking you, today wasn't so heavy as usual , but you're welcome I'm glad to hear I was of service!"
They both smiled at one another, making both feel at peace, both not being able to resist the burning feeling spreading across their faces once again and the pounding of their hearts in their chests.

"Well," four began, "I should get going, it's getting late.. see you thre-"
"Wait!" Three injected.
"Will you be okay? I mean like for tonight?"
Four didn't get what he meant but that until three supported his question.
"How long has it been since you've been having that constant nightmare ?"
"O-oh. Well.. I mean.. it's been a while like a couple months-"
Beeg and eggdog stopped and turned their attention towards the two meme guardians, beeg running up into his owner's arms growling at three.
"Hey hey hey buddy, it's okay." Four began to pet beeg, trying to calm him down.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"
"Sorry four, I- I didn't mean to- I just, well why didn't you say anything to me before? Or at LEAST Meggy or someone else much sooner?"
"I- I.. don't know. I'm sorry three.."
Smg3 signed. "No don't say sorry, you have no reason to be sorry since you've done nothing wrong,"
Three made his way up close to four and rested his hands on his shoulders.

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