authors note

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hey guys I'm currently trying to figure out how to start this so please bare with me for now.

I can't take all the credit for this as I did get a little help from a friend on what story to write and what it was gonna be about. If she says its okay then I will put her @ at the end of the first chapter so you guys can check her story out because it is an amazing story and I sit waiting all day for her updates because I can't get enough of her story. I will try as quick as I can to get the first chapter out ASAP but please bare with me as I figure out where to start as this will hopefully be my first story that I write and possibly finish. I'm hoping I can make it enjoyable for you guys so when the story gets on and I leave a cliffhanger and you have an idea for how the next chapter should go don't be afraid to give me ideas I don't mind and I would really appreciate it.

Also there will be drama in this book because its not a good book without a little drama right. I will try my best to write smut but i'm not sure how good I will be at writing it so if it ends up bad I will just skip smuts unless you personally request it. Also not too sure about the book name just yet I could possibly change it but it will stay as it is for now.

Okay lets get into the story. Hope you guys enjoy it. I will try my hardest to get the first chapter out by tomorrow night at the latest.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now