chapter 3

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A/N- a little surprise to start this chapter for you guys:) Let's get started then.

Katie's POV

I had just finished reading Bellah's last message worried and angry as hell wondering what Ruesha has done to my twin for her to ask if she can come and stay with me for a bit. I mean I'm not complaining maybe this is how I get her to move over here because it is so damn hard being away from her for months until I go to the Ireland international team and still even then I only see her after the games for like half an hour at a time which isn't something I ever thought would happen since we've never been apart for this amount of time ever in our lives. We've always been stuck at one another's hip since we were born and it's really hard not seeing her much but I am really grateful that we can facetime almost every night because I genuinely don't think I would be able to cope with not seeing her almost everyday like I am used too. I look at my phone and see that it's time to leave to pick her up from the airport. I can't wait to see her because I've missed her so much.

Bellah's POV

I have just landed and texted Katie saying that I had landed and she told me she was waiting outside for me. I get off the plane and get my suitcases and take off to where my sister is waiting for me and that's when I see her.

"KATIE" I shouted. She looked up from her phone hearing my voice. "BELLAH" she came running over lifting me up into a big hug which made me just want to cry not realising how much I've needed one of her hugs. "I've missed you so much we are never doing this distance shit again." Katie whispered into my ear still hugging me tight scared that it's not real or that I'm just going to disappear. "I've missed you too Katie so god damn much we really are not ever waiting this long too see each other again because I need my sister. Especially now." I whispered back to her. We walked to the car and put my stuff in the boot then got in and took off back to Katie's. "Oh shit Bellah I forgot tonight is my night to host our team night. I can cancel it or ask one of the girls to host it at theirs instead and let you have the place to yourself for a couple hours so you can unpack before we sit down and have some food whilst you explain why you and Ruesha aren't together anymore and what is going on." Katie told me. "Katie take a breath and no you can do your hosting I'll just stay in the spare room and unpack everything and then just chill in bed for the rest of the night." I had told her feeling bad she forgot about her plans and wanted to cancel them for me. "Are you sure sis I don't wanna have you feeling uncomfortable or something." she said still worried. "Yes I'm sure invite them round they don't even have to know I'm here. I'll just stay in my room or something and maybe just have an early night since I'm just exhausted." I told her not wanting her to miss out on a fun chilled night with her friends. "Wait no you have to meet them even just for a few minutes." Katie said. "Katie I'm really tired I just wanna unpack, have something to eat and a shower then go to bed. I promise to meet them some other time just not today okay." I promised her. "Okay when we get in I'll order us a Mcdonald's or nando's." Katie told me. "I'm not bothered what we have you can pick and just order me my normal order from which ever one you choose whilst I'm unpacking." I told her not really bothered what we get just as long as we get something. "Okay sure." Katie replied.

We got back to Katie's flat and I went straight to the room she told me I would be staying in.

Okay so that is the end of this chapter I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. If anyone has any ideas or something to how she should tell Katie that she got cheated on then don't be afraid to tell me. I will try and take suggestions and make some chapters into how you guys want them to turn out. 

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now