chapter 10

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It was 9am and we had all just woke up and got ready since we had to meet the lady to view the house at 10 and it was about half an hour away but this house is closer to the training centre for Katie and Caitlin which was better for them and it has a playgroup/nursery 10 minutes away for Kate which is good and Ella's new job is round the corner from there too.

"Morning guys." I said as I walked through the kitchen to make a drink and some toast with nutella on it. "Morning Bells." they all said back. "Is everyone ready to see the house today?" I asked them. "yeah I hope its big enough for us so Lauren and baby girl can come over straight away." Ella said clearly missing our little sister and her niece. 

It was time to leave to go view the house so we all left in Katie's car heading to the house. 2 hours had past and we were just finishing up signing the paper work to get the house and the lady just gave us the keys. I couldn't be more happier because this now meant my baby girl could come home in a few days we would be moved in so I need to book my baby sister and baby girl's flight over for in a few days time so that they get here the same day we move in. 

"Hey can you take me back to the flat I need to get my car and start getting stuff in for the house and you 2 need to get to training." I asked/said. "What about me?" Ella said. "Have you not got work today?" I asked her. "No I haven't." she said. "Okay well then you can come shopping with me and pick anything you need or want for your room." I told her. "Yeah sounds good." she said back. "Katie I'll get the main things we need like kitchen stuff living room stuff and bathroom stuff and get Lauren, Ella and your mini me beds for their rooms. Is there anything you want me to pick up today?" I asked her. "No I don't think so." Katie replied back.

We spent the rest of the day shopping and then dropped it off at the new house. I already knew what type of bed Lolo and Kate wanted so I had got them and put them in their rooms ready for me to build tomorrow so that they will be ready for them coming all I would need to do is take them both shopping to choose their own bedding and get whatever they both wanted for their rooms. Katie and I had talked everything out and she understood why I didn't want to tell her until she had come back from international because a few months would've gone by and she would've calmed down enough to not risk losing out on playing for our country but she has promised me she won't do anything stupid and risk it. I was just about to call Lauren to tell them we had the house and her and my baby are coming over in a few days. My 2 sisters were sat next me ready to speak to them too.

"Hey my babies." Me and Katie said. "Hey mummy hey auntie kit kat." my baby girl said. "So I have booked your flights for in 3 days time and when you get here I will pick you both up and we will go to the shops and get your bedding for your beds and whatever else you would like for your rooms and if you would like kit kat and ells and auntie Cait if she isn't busy will come too if you want them too." I told them both. "Yeah pls can kit kat come too mummy?" Kate asked me. "Well why don't you ask her baby girl." I said back. "Auntie kit kat will you come too please?" she asked her shyly hoping she would say yes. "Umm let me think yes I will my little mini me I could never say no to you." Katie told her which a left the biggest smile on my little girls face. We talked to them for about an hour before we said goodnight and hung up and went to bed since I had a busy day tomorrow building beds and sorting other stuff in the new house so that it would be ready for us when we move in in a few days.

A/n- so that's the next chapter all done I'm sorry that it isn't that long but I was struggling a bit but I will try to make the next one as long as I can for you all. I hope you all like it I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can its just taking a bit longer to write because as I'm healing from something then something else comes and causes pain which will be over by next week and I can then start writing properly. I hate that I can't update as much as I want at the minute but I will get back to updating as soon as possible. I am really sorry hope you all like it.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now