chapter 11

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Bellah's POV

It was 6am and the last few days had been crazy sorting the house out and moving in which we had finally done and now we're all getting ready since my girls are getting in at 7am. We're taking 2 cars mine and Katie's since after we've been to the shops to get their bedding and whatever else they want for their rooms Katie and Caitlin want to take my baby for an auntie and niece day going toy shopping getting dinner and going to soft play but what they don't know is me and Katie have bought a puppy and we're picking it up whilst they're having their auntie and niece day so it means me Lauren and Ella get to go puppy shopping and get all the stuff it needs which I can't wait for because I'm so excited to see Kate's reaction because when we spoke last night her little face just lit up telling us about the puppy they had seen when they were at the park. 

We've just left and I can't wait to see my baby girl it has been hell not having her with me but I couldn't until she had her own room since I didn't want her to get used to sleeping with me but she is sleeping with me tonight because I've missed having cuddles with her and missed having her by my side. Ella was shocked when I had told Katie yes to taking Kate out today because she thought I would've wanted her with me which I do but Katie hasn't seen her in a few months so I said yes because I know how much they've both missed each other and Kate had asked me one night when could she have another auntie and niece day with her auntie kit kat so how could I not say yes. Plus I know Lauren was wanting a sister day with me and Ella so that way they all get what they want and need because I know my twin and I know that having a day with her girlfriend and mini me as she calls her will make her feel a lot better and a lot less stressed and I know Lauren has been having a tough time with exams and getting ready to move over here since she's coming to play for arsenal.

We've just got to the airport and I couldn't be more excited to hug my babies again. "Bells come on its a few minutes till their plane lands and I wanna see my mini me and give her the biggest hug ever and just not let go and give my baby sister the biggest hug ever." Katie said excited to see them both. " Excuse me get in line that's my baby and I get first hug thank you very much you get her all day after we get their bedroom stuff." I told her. We're now stood next to the bag part waiting for them and Katie had the biggest smile on her face waiting for them. We've been waiting for about 10 minutes now and I've just seen Katie's face lit up which means she can see them. 

"Mummyyyyy." is all I hear as she comes running into my arms. "Oh my baby girl I've missed you so much." I said with tears running down my face so happy to finally have her back in my arms again. The others all came running over joining our hug Lauren being on one side of me so I used one of my arms to bring her into a hug and Katie being at the other side kissing Kate's head and just telling her how much she has missed her. "Mummy why are you and auntie kit kat crying?" Kate asked me.. "Because we are just so happy to see you baby girl we've missed you so much and guess what you get to spend the day with auntie kit kat and Caitlin and do lots of fun stuff after we go get the stuff you and auntie lolo want for your rooms how does that sound?" I asked her. "Wait I get to spend the day with auntie kit kat?" she said with a big smile on her face. "Yeah baby girl I've missed my little mini me." Katie answered her. She jumped out of my arms and into Katies screaming yes excited that she finally gets her day out with her auntie kit kat.

"Lauren you get to spend the day with me and ells how does that sound?" I asked her. "Wait really that sounds amazing." she said with a smile on her face. We had all gotten cuddles and got their bags and suitcases so we headed to the cars and headed off to Asda to go get their beddings and other stuff they wanted and after that we were all going our separate ways them going on their auntie/niece day and us going to have our sister day which consists of taking the bags and shopping home then going to pick up the puppy and then go get the bits for it that we need and then going home and spending the day with him and letting him get used to the house before the little whirl wind comes home. Me and Katie had talked about inviting the girls to come over for tea and meet my baby girl and the new little edition to our family so they were coming over then and then I think that is all we have to do today.

A/N- hey guys this is the next chapter done hope everyone likes it and I'm very sorry it has took me this long hopefully I can get back into the flow of updating a lot more and not taking ages to update it. There is a time skip to them picking the girls up from the airport as I had no clue what to write otherwise. The next chapter will have both Katie and Bellah POVS in so you can see both of their days and will hopefully include the tea and meeting the girls and puppy part too if not then that can be a chapter of its own. Also my girl Bellah Mae has a new song out called 'hell and never back' if you all could go and stream please and thank you that would be amazing it is on spotify and youtube and amazin music and maybe apple music I'm not sure. I hope you all like this chapter thank you for being patient with me. 

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now