chapter 12

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Bellah's POV

We just split our own ways and we were on our way back to the house with the girls stuff from the shop and their suitcases. We had about an hour before we had to leave to go pick up the puppy and go get the stuff from the shops that we need for him. I still needed to tell the girls that we were leaving to go pick something up so I was just about to tell them that we had to drop the stuff off and leave straight away.

"Hey girls we've gotta drop these in the house and then leave so I'll put the stuff and the cases in the house and yous just wait in the car unless yous wanna get something from the house or yous just wanna stay at the house but it means yous being by yourselves for few hours or you can come and pick the surprise up with me I mean I'm gonna need one of you to hold it." I said/asked them both. "What are we going to pick up?" Lauren asked. "I'll tell you if yous act surprised when I get a video for Katie to see your reactions because she was excited to see yours and Kate's reaction in person so just act surprised." I told them. "You know we can keep a secret tell us." Ella replied. "Okay it's a puppy but I need to get a blanket from my room for him so get whatever you want to take with us now whilst I get it." I told them as we had just pulled up to the house.

I looked at Lauren and seen her crying I know she had been wanting a dog for as long as she could say the word but they were always too busy for one so I know how much this means to her us getting one now that she's with us and we can get one because of us having the time for one. I got the bags out of the boot and gave Ella my key to open the door so I could hug Lauren and make sure she was okay. Once both girls agreed to acting surprised and I made sure Lauren was okay then we put the stuff in the house and got what we needed and then set off on our journey. It had been 2 hours and we had just pulled up to the place me and Katie had bought the puppy from and I was on my way in to go pick up my new baby boy.

"Hey I was here a few weeks ago with my sister and we picked out an Australian Shephard and paid for him we got told to come back today to pick him up." I told the lady at the desk. "Oh yes it's right in here come on through." she said. We walked through to the back to where they keep all the dogs. "Hey my boy." I said as I picked him up. "You got a big sister who is gonna be very excited to meet you and lots of new aunties who can't wait to meet you either. You are so loved already little man now let's go home. Thank you very much." I said to the lady after she gave me the papers for him. I was walking out to the car and started facetiming Katie so she could see the girls reactions to him.

"Hey you ready to see the girls reaction." I said to her. "Hell yeah I am." she said back. I turned the camera facing the girls as I opened my car door. "Girls meet little man who still doesn't have a name yet." I said and heard Katie laugh and Lauren cry again. "Awhhh omg he is so cute." Ella said. "Katie you aren't gonna get anything out of Lauren at the minute she's just crying." I told her. "Awh loz don't cry baby sis." Katie told her. "They're happy tears can he sit on my knee on the way home." Lauren asked us. "Yeah baby he can sit on your knee but keep him wrapped up in my blanket okay." I told her as I passed him over to her and got in my seat. "Katie we're going to have to sit down when you 3 get back and pick a name for him." I said to her. "Yeah I know and we will I promise you." she said. After that we hung up the phone and then me and the girls set off to the closest pet store to our house and got everything we needed for him then went back home so he could get used to the house and get settled in.

Katie's POV

We were in the car on our way to smyths to go buy all the toys my little mini me wants because I haven't spoiled her in a while so it's time to do that even tho I know Bellah will kill me for what she says is going over the top and I say isn't enough but who cares plus I couldn't get her as much as I would for her birthday this year because of having to fly over to them so we'll just say this is bday and for now gifts. We have just pulled up to smyths and I was getting Kate out of the car when she asked me something. "Auntie Kitkat how many toys am I aloud to get?" She asked me. "Umm you can get as many toys as you want to get my mini me." I told her. "Yayyyyyyyyy." She cheered as I carried her over to get the trolley. 

We had been walking around the shop for about half an hour now and she had nearly filled the trolley Cait had told me she was playing no part in what was to come from my twin when we get home later on because of how much stuff she had picked but I couldn't say no to her little face when she asked if she could have something. Also I know we're twins and everything but I didn't realise how much we actually looked alike until today when everyone that walked past us said how adorable it was that she looked like her mummy meaning me and I had to say she was just my niece was actually quite shocking I know we're identical twins but I thought we had changed a lot and didn't look like each other as much but boy was I wrong. 

We had just paid and Cait was putting the bags in the boot as I put little miss in her seat. "Thank you very much for my new toys auntie kitkat I love you so much." She said looking up at me with a big cheesy grin on her face. "Oh baby girl you're very welcome and I love you so much more." I told her as tears came to my eyes as she had just melted my heart she's just the best little girl ever. "Heyy what about me?" Cait asked with a pretend pout on her face. "We love you too auntie Cait don't worry silly." Kate had answered her which just made us laugh so much.

Time skip a couple hours 

We had just left soft play and I could see little miss was about to fall asleep but I had texted Bells before we left to say she would more than likely fall asleep in the car but she had said it was fine as the girls were coming over later to meet her and the new puppy so we just let fall asleep so that way she would have about an hour then be all refreshed and happy for the girls coming and wouldn't be moody so it meant that Bells wouldn't have to leave to go to bed with her whilst the girls were here because I know she would feel like it was rude of her to just leave.

It had been an hour and we had just pulled up at home so I got out and woke little miss up. "Hey princess wake up we're home and mama has a surprise for you in the house." I told her as she woke up. Cait had got the bags out the boot and we were walking in the house now and I had her eyes covered so she wouldn't see the puppy yet.

Bellah's POV

They were walking through the door with Katie covering her eyes so she couldn't see the puppy and Ella was recording on my phone and the puppy is in my arms. "Auntie kitkat I can't see anything." Kate said which made us all laugh at her. "Are you ready for the surprise babygirl ?" I asked her. "Yeah mama what is it ?" she said back to me. "In a few seconds auntie kitkat will take her hand off your eyes and you'll see okay." I said back. "Okay mama." she said. 

"Okay 3 2 1." we all said as and Katie moved her hand and I just seen her little face light up at the puppy. "Mama you got us a puppy ?" she asked with a big smile on face. "No me and auntie kitkat got us a puppy we thought maybe Cooper was lonely and would like a friend so we got him one." I told her smiling. "What's his name mama ?" she asked stroking him. "Well he doesn't have one yet we thought we could all sit down together and pick one what do you think ?" I asked her. "Yeah! Mama and auntie kitkat could we name him Teddy please ?" she asked us with a cute little smile on her face. "Where did you get that name from baby ?" I asked her. "From my new teddy that auntie kitkat got for me today." she said back as she started to play with him. 

Me and Katie and the girls all looked at each other and agreed with her. "So can we name him Teddy mama ?" she asked again. "Yeah baby we can name him Teddy." Katie told her which made her cheer in excitement at us agreeing with her and naming him what she wanted us too. So little man finally has a name. After a little while of us playing with him in the back garden and me telling my twin off for going over the top with what she bought Kate at the shop and Caitlin backing away from that conversation letting Katie take the blame for it all it was time to have dinner before the girls came over to meet my babies. I was scared for Leah's reaction to me having a little girl but if she couldn't accept it then she just wasn't the one.

A/N- And thats the next chapter done and dusted. I'm sorry it's took me so long to do I will try my best to not take so long with them but there are times where I genuinely just have no idea how to put my story ideas into words to make a chapter and its happening a lot but hopefully as I get more further on into the story it'll get better and it'll stop happening. Anyways thats this chapter done I hope you all like it let me know if theres anything you wanna see happen.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now