chapter 13

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Bellah's POV

We had just had dinner so I was quickly bathing Kate so that she was all ready for bed when the girls leave or when I decide its bedtime which will more than likely be before the girls leave especially since she had an early morning with flying and stuff and then went out to shops and soft play she will defo be tired. 

"Mama and Auntie Kitkat and Cait have some friends coming over in half an hour would it be okay if they want to meet you or would you like to go to bed and meet them another day." I asked her wanting to make sure she'd be fine meeting them. "I'd like to meet your friends mama no bedtime yet okay." She told me. "Okay baby girl mama just wanted to ask you to make sure." I said feeling happy that she would like to meet them.

It had been about 15 minutes and I was just getting her out of the bath into her bedtime pull up so that she was ready for bed and put her little angels body lotion on and then put her new pjs on that had minnie mouse as mickey mouse club house was her favourite thing at the minute. We went downstairs and she cuddled up on the sofa with her bottle of juice and teddy watching her favourite tv show whilst I went and got a drink and made sure all the dishes were done and everything was clean.

The doorbell had just went off which meant the 10 girls we had invited over were here. Katie had went and let them in whilst I quickly went to the living room to sit with Kate and teddy ready for my favourite arsenal girls to come in. "Hey girls." I said as they came in the room and theirs lit up in shock and excitement. "Who is this little cute princess?" Beth had asked with a small sile not to scare her. "Wanna tell the girls your name baby or should mama do it." I asked her. "I'm Kate what are all your names?" She said peaking over me at the rest of the girls who all awed at her little voice. "I'm Beth thats Leah Viv Jen Steph Lia but we call her wally so they don't get confused and then that's Kyra Kim Alessia and Jill. It's very nice to meet you little girl who is this next to you?" Beth told her being really calm and gentle with her. 

"This is my new puppy his names teddy you can hold him if you like." Kate told Beth which the rest of the girls found cute that she was willing to let Beth take the puppy off her for a cuddle. "Thank you I will defo have a cuddle of him." Beth told her very happy she could have the first cuddle of the puppy and picked him up gently and started to coo over him. Whilst this was happening Kate got off the sofa to look at the girls better and decided to walk over to Leah and put her arms up to be picked up. Once Leah picked her up she smiled at her and they started having their own little conversation about anything and everything it amazed me how quick she took to Leah she never took to Ruesha but again I don't really care now but thinking back it was probably her warning me and I just didn't take much notice to it.

Viv Jen Steph and Jill came over to me whilst the others either talked to Kate or my twin and her gf or went over to Beth to see teddy. "How come you never told us about little miss cutie over there?" Jill asked but I knew all 4 of them were curious as was everyone else. "At first I didn't know if I was just coming for a few weeks to see Katie because I needed her but then seeing her again made me realise that my baby needs her and so did I and I knew Katie had missed her and so I thought why not move here and then with all the moving process and having to get them both over here I didn't think to mention it to you lot. I'm sorry girls but she's my baby and it's hard with not knowing if I was staying in London for good and questioning do I bring new people in her life that she might possibly only see a couple times a year not even that so it was just a hard decision to make but I knew that this was what we both needed so I hope you're okay with sharing Katie Viv because that little girl would probably fight you for her no joke." I told them and we all laughed at the last bit I said. "Oh she can keep her if it means I get some peace." Viv said jokingly. 

"I don't think you're gonna get her back tonight she seems besotted with Leah." Jen said looking at the 2 of them. "As long she doesn't try and pinch my baby I'm okay with it." I told them watching them both realising just how much more this has made me like Leah watching her with my little girl. "Wait you said getting them both over here who is both?" Steph asked me. "Oh our sister Lauren came with her but her and Ella are upstairs having a catch up I'll bring her with me and Kate next training session you have." I told her which made Kim pipe up asking all the arsenal girls if they know about the new coach and new transfer that are coming. 

"Hey girls did you know that Jonas is leaving and we're getting a new coach and this new coach is bringing in a new transfer with her?" Kim asked the girls. "Wait what who are we getting then?" Wally asked. "I don't know  I just over heard some of the staff mentioning Jonas being told that his contract for arsenal is over and that we are getting a new coach who picked a new player who deserves this move." Kim said not having any clue but I saw a small smirk on Leah's face which told me she knew who the new coach was and I put my head down knowing who the new player was. I saw Kate put her head into Leah's neck cuddling into her meaning she was starting to get tired so I got up and went to make her bottle of warm milk because that is what she has for bed. I made her bottle and went back to the living room to get her.

"Come on baby girl let's get you up to bed hmm." I said to her. "Lele come with us mama?" She asked me. "I don't know baby you'll have to ask her." I told her. "If you want me to come with you I will little miss." Leah said to her before she could even ask and Kate nodded her head telling her she wanted her to come. We said goodnight to all the girls and headed up to my room and got in the bed with Kate in the middle with her bottle in one hand and holding mine and Leah's hand in the other and that was how she fell asleep for the night.

A/N- Here's the next chapter hope you guys like it sorry you waited awhile but hopefully me kicking Jonas out of the club makes up for it and keeping Vivi at arsenal which was always gonna happen either way I hate that he didn't offer her another contract stupid man. Anyways hope you guys enjoy.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now