chapter 4

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I had just finished unpacking as Katie had brought the food in we just sat and talked and laughed it felt so good to be sat laughing with my twin again in person and it's just what I needed after what happened. I will admit I have been getting texts from her since I left but I've just ignored them because we're done its over there is no coming back from what she did I just need to block her but it's so much harder to do it after being with her for 5 years like how do you erase someone you've loved for that long from your life so easy. Anyways it's been an hour since we had food and I've just heard the doorbell ring which means her friends are starting to show up and it also means that I am hiding out in my bedroom just wanting to be left alone for the night so I can get an early night from all the travelling and crying I've done today. 

It's been an hour or 2 since I heard the door go indicating my twins friends were here and I'm still sat in my room but I really need the toilet so I need to get up and go. Just as I'm leaving my room I bump into the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't know anyone else was here I thought Katie was alone." she said. " No don't worry I'm Katie's twin Bellah and I kinda asked her not to mention I was here." I told her. "Why didn't you want us to know actually since I caught you why don't you come join us I was just heading back in there. Also I'm Leah." she told me. I was a bit weary about joining but she managed to convince me so here I was heading into my sister's sitting room about to meet all her teammates/friends. Katie spotted me first and started talking before anyone else could. 

"Bells you decided to come join us yay you get to meet all my friends now but since you came in with Leah I'm gonna assume you know her now and introduce everyone else this is Beth, Viv, Caitlin, Lia, Kim, Vic, Lessi, Steph, Manu, Kyra, Lotte, Laura, Cloe and save the best for last miss Jen. Guys this is my twin sister Bellah." Katie told me excited that I was meeting her friends. "Hey I've heard a lot about you guys through this one although I don't think I'm too happy that arsenal are stealing my sister every time we talk she always mentions arsenal." I joked with them. " Umm arsenal is the best so damn right she better always talk about us and our team." Leah joked back making us all laugh.

a/n- okay this is the end of this chapter sorry it's a bit short I will get another chapter up sometime before 12 or just after to make up for missing yesterday. Let me know who's POV you want in the next chapter also 1k reads already thank you so much literally want to cry you guys are amazing I'm so grateful and I love that you guys are liking the story so far.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now