Chapter 1

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I'm Bellah Mccabe. I'm 28 years old and the twin sister of Katie Mccabe. I'm currently in a relationship with an Ireland teammate of Katie's which just so happens to be Ruesha Littlejohn. We've been together for 5 years but lately she has been a little distant but I've just put that down to her being stressed with football at the minute since it's the end of international season. She came home yesterday and I didn't really see her much when she came back even though I've really missed her but I guess she just needed some sleep and to just relax.

I just got back from doing a food shop and can hear noises coming from our room. I go and check to see what is going only to hear moans. I'm really hoping it's just her in there but I open the door to see her in a bed with another girl. I gasped and she turned her head towards me.

"Wait Bellah this isn't what it looks like" said Rue "So what does it look like then huh because from where I'm standing its exactly what it looks like" I said with tears running down my face. "You can get out whoever you are" I said.

She gets up and puts her clothes on and leaves. Ruesha puts her clothes on too as I get my suitcases out and start packing my stuff. "Bellah baby what are you doing? where are you going?" said Rue "I'm packing and leaving what does it look like I'm doing. We're done Ruesha. We're over. I am not sticking around after you've just cheated on me. I can't believe you think I would stay with you after that." I said in full on tears now. "Wait we can fix this. Please don't leave me." said Ruesha "Did you really think I would stay. There is no fixing this I thought the reason you were distant was because you were stressed about football but in reality you were distant because you've been cheating on me." I said tears still streaming down my face whilst I'm packing my stuff. "I'm sorry." that was all she said. "How long have you been cheating on me? and I want the truth." I said now feeling angry. "3 months." she whispered. "You're telling me you've been doing this for 3 months so did those 5 years we've been together just not matter to you. Did they just not mean anything to you? Wow I hope your both really happy together you deserve each other. I'm leaving don't call. Don't text. Just leave me alone from now on." I said.

I had packed everything. I got my passport from the bedside table at the side I used to lie at and left knowing there was only one place I was going and one person I wanted right now. I got my phone out and rang the one person I really needed.

Okay so what does everyone think? Where do we think she's going and who could be the person she needs right now?

Everyone go read her story it's amazing and with that I hope you like the first chapter.

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now