chapter 16

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Katie's POV

We had just landed in Ireland and we're in the car heading to camp. I was proud of Lauren for making her first senior camp but nervous for her too. We had just pulled up to camp and the first thought I had was make sure Lauren is settled in and see my best friend Anna. We walked over to the front desk to get our room key and then we went up to our rooms. I got her settled in and then went to my room put my stuff away and then left to find Anna.

I had found Anna about half an hour ago and we were walking to the training pitch to inspect it and that's when I seen something I wish I hadn't. I had seen my twin sisters cheating ex talking to my little sister and I was now on my way over to them with Anna following behind me. 

"Oi get your cheating arse away from her now." I said pulling Lauren behind me and away from her and I saw her face drop realising that I knew what she had done before she fixed it and acted clueless. 

"What are you talking about Katie?" She said trying to play dumb.

 "Don't play fucking dumb you know exactly what I'm talking about Ruesha." I said to her.

 "It's none of your business so keep out of it Katie." She said rolling her eyes.

 "Oh it's absolutely my business when it comes to MY twin sister." I said back getting pissed at the way she thinks she can get away with it. 

"I'm not scared of you Katie." She said rolling her eyes again whilst trying to look smug.

 "Oh don't you worry I wouldn't risk my career to hit you but I promise you if you don't stay away from my family and my twin sister especially I will tell everyone exactly what you did because my sister is not getting hate for something she never did." I told her and grabbed Lauren's hand and walked away from her before I really did hit her. 

Bellah's POV

It had been a few days since meeting Clara and Harper at the park and ever since the girls have spoke on facetime everyday and it is adorable to watch. It was game day and Kate had asked me and Le if Harper could come and watch her auntie kitkat play too so I had spoke to Clara and she said she could come with us and plus it would give her the time to get the bits she needs to do done so we were currently in the car on the way to pick her up.

We had just pulled up at Clara's place and I got out and went to go get Harper whilst Le stayed in the car and the rest of the girls were now meeting us there. I knocked on the door and I heard a very excited shout saying she's here which made me smile. Clara opened the door with a smile and said " Hey here's her bag and as you can see she's very excited to be coming with you all thank you so much for taking her with you."

"It's all good Kate is very excited that her new best friend is coming too she hasn't stopped talking about it." I told her.

"Give me a big squishy hug and I'll see you when you come back home okay. Bye my little munchkin." Clara said to her.

"Bye rara let's go please." Harper said whilst running into my arms. 

"We'll see you later bye." I said to Clara laughing at how excited Harper was.

We had just got in the car and the girls were very excited and held each others hand and that was how it was like all the way to the football stadium. Le had took a picture and sent it too our group chat that consisted of me, Le, Clara and Katrina and they both text back saying how cute it was that the girls were already this close after only knowing each other for about a week. We had just pulled up to the game and seeing as Kate her Mccabe Ireland jersey we thought we'd get Harps a jersey too and we were letting her pick which one she wanted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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