chapter 2

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Happy to see everyone adding this to their reading lists it actually means so much I will try post everyday if not then it will be every other day hopefully it will be everyday tho. Lets get into the next chapter then.

I rang the one person I needed right now hoping that they'd pick up and they did. "Hey Bellah what's up" they said. "Katie I need you can I come stay with you for a bit" I said whilst the tears roll down my face. "Yeah ofc you don't have to ask Bells. Are you okay why does it sound like your crying?" she said. "I'll tell you when I get there. I need to go so I can call a taxi to take me to the airport. I love you and I'll see you soon." I said. "Wait why you calling a taxi why isn't Rue taking you?" she said. "Umm that's what I'm gonna tell you when I see you." I said. "I swear to god Bells if she is why your crying I'm gonna fucking kill her. What's done?" Katie said angrily down the phone. "I'll tell you when I see you but just know we aren't together anymore. I just need you right now. I'll text you when I'm boarding the plane. Will you pick me up when I get there?" I asked. "Yeh of course I will but you better tell me what she did when I see you." Katie said desperately wanting to know why I was crying my eyes out. "You know I will I promise. I need to go now to call the taxi. I love you Katie." I told her. "I love you too let me know when you board and land okay so I can come get you." Katie said softly sounding a lot calmer now even though I could tell she was still angry and worried about me.

I ended the call and called the taxi. Once it came I quickly put my stuff in and got in tell the driver that I was going to the airport. We got there quickly and I went and got a ticket and checked my suitcases in so I could get straight to the gate since it was only 2 hours until the plane was due to take off. Once I got done with that I went through security and then got some food and a drink since I haven't eaten anything since last night. Even though I wasn't really hungry I couldn't go back to how I was when I was a teenager barely eating I saw how broke Katie was when she found out that I was doing it due to bullying and wanting to look perfect for the boyfriend I had at the time which I got out of that phase straight after that realising that I like girls. After an hour of waiting around they called my flight to go to the gate and then half an hour later we started boarding so I quickly texted Katie to let her know.

texts between her and Katie

Hey Katie I just wanted to let you know that I'm boarding now.

Hey Bells okay I'll leave in an hour so that I'll be there for you landing so you can get your stuff and we can just go straight to mine. I'll see you soon. love you.

See you soon sis. love you too.

texts over

I put my phone on airplane mode and just sat back in my seat waiting to take off.

Okay that is chapter 2 done and completed. I hope you guys like it. It's a long one and sometimes they will be long and sometimes they'll be short depending on what comes to mind for each chapter. Let me know what you guys think and what you want Katie to say and how you want her to react. 

Will she message Ruesha hating what she's done to her twin? Will she be worried that Bellah will go back to how she was in high school? Will she tell her sister to move in with her and stay with her in London when finds out? Who knows we'll find out next chapter:)

Katie Mccabe's sister - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now