ruhi is pregnant

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After some days

Things weren't working out well between Taehyung and Yn. Taehyung would come back home, Yn and him would fight over the same topic I.e Ishita and won't talk to each other for hours. Taehyung's dad didn't even like Taehyung's behaviour towards Yn and so started talking less to him. Taehyung was even frustrated due to the behavior of Yn doubting him every time and so stopped from explaining himself to her all the time...

For now, It was a working day, everyone at home was busy among themselves while Taehyung and Jimin were gone to the company...Krystal then came to their house.

Taehyung's mom released a sigh on seeing her and rolled her eyes.

Taehyung's mom - You are again here. Sometimes, stay at your place too, every second day you come here...even when you don't have any reason, still you come.
Krystal - So what? This is like my second house only, well today I have a reason for coming here which is very important but I won't tell you, I will go and tell it to your daughter in law...oops sorry, I mean Yn, because I will be your daughter in law, not her.
Taehyung's mom - Shut up Krystal..! I am never going to make you my daughter in law, and you don't have any chance also to be one.
Krystal (smirk) - I do have, you just wait and watch, mom.
Taehyung's mom - Don't you dare to call me, Mom... Krystal..!! What will you do huh!! You will force on Taehyung? And you think he will agree and will also fall for you, hmm?
Krystal - He will, leave it on me.

She said while smirking and then went upstairs to Yn while taehyung's mom made a fist controlling her anger.

Krystal came to Taehyung's room where Yn was working, She was attending her online meeting when Krystal came...Yn looked at her but didn't say anything while Krystal stayed quiet too.

Yn - Sure Mr.Khanna, let's discuss this presentation tomorrow now.

She said as she ended the meeting and looked at Krystal.

Yn - What happened? How are you here?
Krystal - Ynie, I have to tell you something really important.
Yn - What is it?
Krystal - You know Ishita right ?
Yn - Oh god, Krystal pls I don't want to talk about her-
Krystal - But it is very important! Do You know that Taehyung and Ishita are in the mall !?
Yn - What?!? When?!
Krystal - Today only.
Yn - What do you mean today only! It is the office time right now, Taehyung won't go anywhere leaving his office!
Krystal - Don't you trust me !?
Yn - I trust Taehyung and I know-
Krystal - I knew that you won't trust me, that's why I have the proof..!
Yn - What were you doing in the mall, in the morning?
Krystal - I didn't go there, My friend had sent me the photos sometimes before only, so I came here running, to show you, Have a look!

Yn saw the photos as her heart broke again but she avoided showing her tears in front of Krystal.

Yn (in mind) - He doesn't have time to spend with me, to clear our insecurities, but here during his office time, he went to the mall with he just know how to fight and argue with me!
Krystal (in mind)- Good Job Krystal, just go this way only and soon both will be ruined.
Krystal - Well, Yn...Taehyung and Ishita had gone to the xxx mall, I told you the name, in case you want to go and check on them?
Yn - I will talk to Taehyung when he comes back.
Krystal - Why are you doing it late Yn !?! Just go and catch him red handed..!!
Yn - what do you mean by that?
Krystal - I-I mean just go and once check on him, that what is he doing at the mall with Ishita when he should be in the office?

Yn gave it a thought while Krystal forced her again not to do so late, Yn agreed to her and both of them went to that mall.

They came downstairs leaving hurriedly.

YN × taehyung (Ft. J.M, Jk And Hobi) (Indian ff)Where stories live. Discover now