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it was a new year at hogwarts, it was also my first year going. my father banned all magic from our lives when we moved to london when i was young. my father was the worst man alive. he was toxic and cruel.

my father passed away suddenly a few months ago and my mother decided it was time for me to attend hogwarts.

it was all very confusing when she told me all about it, the magic, the people and he who shall not be named. she explained to me how he was an awful man who seeked more power than anybody could possibly hold.

"blair! time to go!" my mom yelled from downstairs. i quickly grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs. my mom had already got me all of my school equipment.

"mom?" i asked as i dragged my suitcase downstairs. "yes?" she asked. "how do we get to hogwarts?" i asked. she chuckled a bit. "the train of course." she stated.


my mom told me we had to find platform 9 and 3/4 to get the train i looked around seeing a man that clearly worked in this place. i walked over giving him a smile. "hello, sir. do you know where platform 9 and 3/4 is?" i asked. he scoffed at me before replying. "9 and 3/4. is this some type of prank? where's the camera? get out of here, kid." he said raising his voice. "dick." i mumbled walking back to my mom.

"don't worry. if i remember correctly it's over here." mom said walking straight ahead. "remember? have you been to hogwarts before?" i asked her. "years ago." she chuckled. "why have you just told me now?" i asked. "you're father never aloud it. he insisted we kept magic far from you." my mom stated. "was he also magic? a wizard?" i asked. "yes, he was. that's where i met him." she said.

"here we are. platform 9 and 3/4." she stated standing in front of a wall in between platform 10 and 9. "mom, are you feeling okay?" i asked. "run." she said. "excuse me?" i questioned. "take your cart and run straight into the wall." she said as if this was normal. "i am not doing that." i told her. she let out an aggravated sigh. "blair miller, do you trust your mother?" she asked. "not right now, i don't." i stated. "blair. run into the wall." she demanded. i let out a scoff and rolled my eyes running into the wall. i closed my eyes, but didn't feel impact. i was no longer in the train station- i was. but not the same station.

i turned a corner hesitantly, there was a lot of people there getting on a train 'hogwarts express.' i heard a groan from behind me and saw my mom. "i will never get used to that." she stated. we walked over to the train and somebody took my bags, putting them on the train just leaving my suitcase.

"this is my stop, blair." my mom said. "what? you're not coming with me?" i asked. "do you want your mother coming on your first day of school?" she asked. "fair enough." i laughed hugging her tight. "i'll see you at christmas, my birdie." she said letting for of the hug. i got on the train and walked down the hallway looking for a compartment that was empty.

it took me a few minutes but i successfully found one. i put my suitcase above me in a cupboard and sat down. a few moments later a girl with brunette hair walked in. "hey, can me and my friends sit in here? the other compartments are full." she stated. "yeah." i said as she sat next to me. suddenly a bunch of boys came charging into the compartment. "what's you're name?" the girl asked. "blair- blair miller." i stated nervously. as soon as those two words left my mouth a lot of unsure looks were passed around. "you're father was joseph miller- and your mother is ivy miller?" a boy asked. "yeah? how'd you know that?" i asked. "they're famous-" a boy was saying before a curly haired boy elbowed him in the ribs. "well, i'm pansy. that's theodore, lorenzo and mattheo." she said. "nice to meet you." i said. "you can call my theo, angel." theodore said making me awkward. "thanks.." i chuckled. "and you can call me enzo, sweetheart." enzo winked at me. "just call me mattheo." the last boy stated with a scowl on his face. i gave him a nod. "don't be rude, mattheo. anyway, what house are you in?" pansy asked. "and why have i never seen your gorgeous face around hogwarts before?" theo asked smirking. "i'm new. i just started." i stated. "well, you should know, we are all slytherin." pansy stated. "what does that mean?" i asked. "means if you don't get slytherin we can't be seen with you." mattheo stated. "who said i wanted to be seen with you?" i asked him making him smirk. "that is not what it means." pansy said through gritted teeth, glaring at mattheo. "it means that we are ambitious, resourceful and determined. hopefully you get slytherin aswell." pansy added giving me a smile which i returned.

after we got off the train we were told to get on a boat that held 4 people. i walked over to a boat, safely climbing aboard. i saw the curly haired boy walking over to me, grinning making me roll my eyes. "hi, princess." he said sitting next to me. "you sure you wanna be seen with me?" i asked nastily. "don't be like that, miller. i was just giving you some awareness." he stated. "i didn't appreciate it." i said giving him a sadistic smirk. "i think me and you are gonna be great friends in the future." he said. "really? and who said we'd be friends in the future?" i asked before two others got on the boat. "hey, hope you don't mind us. all the boats were full." a boy said. "no worries, i'm blair." i said giving them a friendly smile. "i'm cedric diggory, this is flora." he stated pointing to the girl. i saw mattheo roll his eyes in the corner of my eye.

we arrived at hogwarts finally and we're immediately greeted by an old woman. "hello students, everybody head to the great hall. for house arrangements." she said as we all walked infront of the doors which slowly opened revealing a beautifully lit up hall.

A/N: first chapter done! hope you enjoyed it, make sure to vote!

words: 1112

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