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pansy woke me up extremely early, i was so exhausted. i fell back asleep and woke up half an hour later. shit i'm late. i quickly threw on my uniform and put on some makeup before rushing to class. "you're late, miss..." the man with the mechanical eye waited for me to answer. "miller, sir." i sighed. "good, you can join mr riddle in detention after school." he stated. i quickly looked around for an empty seat. there was only one. next to him. merlin help me. i sat next to him taking out my books. "alastor moody." he stated. moody? we can tell. i heard mattheo stifle a laugh. "something funny, mr riddle?" moody asked. "uh- no sir. apologies." mattheo said.

what an asshole.

"am i, darling?"

what the fuck was that?

"you thinking about me, miller?" mattheo asked smirking. "only how much of an asshole you are." i stated. "come on, love. take a chance to get to know me." riddle said. "i did. then you said if i didn't get slytherin i couldn't be seen with you. which is typical for guys like you." i groaned. "guys like me? what do you mean 'guys like me'?" he asked. "never mind." i say, attempting to pay attention to professor moody. "no, don't let me stop you. guys like me?" he questioned again. "i mean guys who have a bigger ego than they do a dick. are you done bothering me now?" i snapped. he looked at me in shock before smirking. "has anybody ever told you how hot you are when you're mad, because you are really hot when you're mad." he stated. i gave him a look telling him to shut up. suddenly a piece of chalk flew right at mine and mattheos desk, missing me by inches. "and i can hear across the classroom! pay attention back there!" he yelled.

"so which curse shall we see first?" moody asked. "weasley!" he yelled. "yes?" the ginger asked shakily. "stand." moody instructed. "give us a curse." moody muttered. "well, my dad did tell me about one. the imperious curse." weasley stated shaking in his boots. "oh, yeah, your father would know all about that. gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. perhaps this will show you why." he stated walking off. "hello." he said gently taking out a creepy spider.

"engorgio." he muttered. "imperio." he said louder. the spider suddenly landed on a desk freaking out a student. it continued to bounce on a students head making him whimper. "don't worry. it's completely harmless." moody stated. placing it on ron's head. "what are you laughing at?" moody asked throwing it into dracos face. making mattheo and me laugh. one of his minions continued to slap him in order to get it off. "talented, isn't she? what should i have her do next? jump out the window?" moody asked as the laughter quieted down. "drown herself?" he asked holding the spider above the water before putting it on his hand. "scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you-know-who's bidding under the influence of the imperious curse." moody said as i felt mattheos body shift beside me. "but here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars? another, another." moody said as everybody's hand rose.

"longbottom, is it? up." moody states. "professor sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology." moody adds. the boy nodded softly. "there's the- um. the cruciatus curse." the boy stated. i suddenly heard ruffling beside me and mattheo walking out of the classroom. "miss miller, go see what that was about please. we will continue the lesson." moody states glaring at me with his one eye as the other ran around the room. i gave him a tight nod before chasing after mattheo. "riddle?" i asked seeing him sitting against the wall. "what the hell do you want now, miller?" he asked nastily. "i was told to see why you left." i stated, joining him on the ground. he gave me a cautious look before rolling his eyes. "i don't need you here. you can leave." he scoffs. "who said i wanted to be out here? but somehow your company may just be as good if not better than professor moodys." i smiled.

"i don't need your help. as you can see im not crying or anything. you can go now." he states. "you might not need my comfort, riddle. but who's to say you don't need my company?" i say. "i've been perfectly fine on my own for 16 years. don't think i need anybody to 'comfort' me now." he states getting up. "that is not fair, riddle. i'm trying to help you-" i say but he cuts me off. "help me? what? do i have a fucking sign on my back that says 'save me'?" he asked beginning to raise his voice. i look at him for a moment. "i don't know why i expected you to actually accept my company. obviously im delusional." i say storming off, back to class.

school has finally finished after the longest day of my entire day. all i wanted to do was sleep until i was reminded of my after school detention. with the biggest dick in the world. i sighed as i walked through the door revealing an almost empty class but one. i sat a few seats away from him, hoping this would go by quickly.

i all ready hated him since the train incident but the hallway thing pissed me off more.

"i want you to write down everything you've done wrong and why you are here." a man i recognised said in a monotone voice. i'm pretty sure that was serverus snape, pansy told me about him. he's the head of slytherin or something along those lines. he passed out parchment and i began writing. 'i was being harassed by a dick.' i quickly scribbled that out so he wouldn't realise i swore on it. i started writing again.

'i was chatting during professor moodys class, which was very-' i stopped writing when a piece of parchment hit my head. snape didn't notice and i looked over at mattheo who signalled  his head towards the parchment that now lay on the floor in a ball. i quickly picked it up and threw it back at him, landing it on his desk. he rolled his eyes throwing it back to me. i unrolled the ball. 'i'm sorry.' was all it said covering the page. i scoffed as i rolled it back in a ball and threw it in the bin. "sir, can i have a new piece of parchment? mines gone missing." mattheo said behind me. "it went missing?" snape asked slowly. "it's like magic." mattheo said smirking while shrugging his shoulders. snape scoffed as he slammed another piece of parchment on mattheos desk. "be sure this one doesn't... disappear." snape says returning to his desk at the front of the class.

i continued to write down my 'actions' in class which caused me to be in this hell hole. '-inconsiderate of professor moodys class.' i wrote before handing the paper to snape. he scanned the page before looking at me. it was like he was staring into my soul. "very well done, miss miller. now write it a hundred more times." he stated. i swear i saw a ghostly smirk on his face. "a hundred? how about fifty?" i pleaded. "did you not hear me correctly, miss miller. i said one hundred." he stated making me grab the parchment from the desk as i rewrote it more times.

detention exhausted me. after snape left me leave i began heading back to my dorm when somebody stopped me. "blair, wait up." he said. "why would i do that?" i asked. "so, i can walk you to your dorm. i am a gentlemen after all." he stated confidently. "what? a gentleman? piss off, riddle." i scoffed. "calm down, princess." he said in an annoying tone. "calm down? what the fuck is wrong with you?" i asked raising my voice as i shoved him back. "one minute you're sitting hating me, never wanting to be seen with me or not wanting to be around me. the next you wanna walk me back to my dorm? no, riddle. i don't want anything to do with you." i stated walking off, leaving him standing there in shock.


words: 1433

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