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it was raining the entire night. most people went to the goblet of fire to see who would be stupid enough to actually put their names in. pansy insisted i go, but i said no. i had too much studying to catch up on. as soon as pansy left i got into studying until there was a knock on the door. i quickly answered it too see a friendly face. "miles? what's up?" i asked. "why aren't you coming to the name ceremony?" he asked. "it's stupid. everybody that put their name in is also stupid." i stated. "i put my name in." he said slowly. "you're stupid." i sighed. "would you just hurry. it starts in 10 minutes." he stated hurriedly. "what? i'm not going. i have too much studying." i groaned. "please? for your savour?" he pleaded. "fine." i hesitated. i grabbed his wrist pulling him in my dorm and sitting him on the bed while i quickly done my hair. "is this necessary?" he asked. "unless you'd rather wait outside." i smirked. he sighed before finally shutting up.

we quickly raced the to hall. everybody was already sat down as miles pulled my wrist to a few empty seats. "now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection!" dumbledore yelled. "more like the idiot selection." i scoffed quietly. dumbledore suddenly moved his hand slowly around the room, causing flames to lower leaving only a blue light shining on us. he held his hand to the goblet as it turned red and a piece of parchment flew out. "the burmstrang champion is viktor krum." dumbledore announced as they all cheered while viktor shook hands with dumblewhore. the flame once again turned red and another parchment flew out. "the champion for beauxbatons... is fleur delacour." he yelled as the girls cheered fleur shook hands with him before joining viktor. "the hogwarts champion, cedric diggory!" he announced. as cedric walked up to dumble and shook his hand.

"excellent! we now have our three champions but in the end, only one will go down in history. only one will hoist this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory... the triwizard cup!" dumbledore pointed to a majestic looking crystal cup. suddenly the flame slowly turned a bright red, unlike the others this flame was lighter and more fierce. a piece of parchment flew out, into dumbledore hands. "harry potter? harry potter!" dumbledore roared. harry slowly walked up while dumbledore glared at him. dumble handed the paper to harry as he hesitatedly took it. "he's a cheat! he's not even 17 yet!" people yelled. "everybody off to bed!" dumbledore yelled as all of the professors ran off.

it was still raining and i lost miles in the hoard of people. i decided to head to the library since i still had to study and i probably wouldn't get any peace with a room full of girls and tonight's events. i walked into the library and began looking for some books i could revise on. i found a few. i saw a book on a tall shelf, i began stretching attempting to reach the book when i saw a hand grab it before me. i turned to see mattheo scanning the book. "ways of the witches world. how interesting." he stated. "that's why i picked it out." i scoffed. he handed the book out to me waiting for me to reach for it. i looked at him cautiously before taking the book from him. "you don't always have to have your guard up." he stated. "and you don't always have to be such a dick. but here we are." i said off as he chased behind me. "im sorry for what happened in the hallway-"

"and the train." i added. "yes and the train. listen i think me and you could be friends." he stated. "i don't think so, riddle. you switch up to easy. i like to know what's happening, when it's happening- and i never know how you're gonna react when something happens. so as upsetting as it is. i don't think me and you will be friends anytime soon." i stated.  he began to move closer as i was leaned up against the desk trying to avoid being to close to him. "what ever you say, darling." he smirks.

is he going to kiss me?

do you want me to kiss you?

yes... no. maybe.

mattheo smirked before putting his finger under your chin and lifting it. "i'll see you later, princess." he stated walking off. what the hell just happened? i couldn't concentrate since whatever that was just happened, i took a book and signed it out before heading back to my dorm. as soon as i stepped foot in the common room i saw everybody on the couches. "blair! there you are. we were wondering where you ran off to." pansy smiled at me as i join her on the couch. "what are you guys doing?" i asked. "we're playing truth or dare. drinking style." enzo says. "wanna play?" theo asks which i answer with a nod.

"its simple, rules are: you MUST complete the dare and speak the truth and you can drink every time you complete the-" enzo was cut of by the opening of the wall from behind us. we all turned to see mattheo making me roll my eyes. "hey, mattheo. wanna join?" theo asks. "sure. what we playing?" he asked sitting across from me. "truth or dare. with alcohol." pansy said. "don't we have school in the morning?" i asked. "we're not getting blackout drunk. just a few shots." pansy said. "okay i think we all know the rules. who's going first?" mattheo asked. "i'll go. pansy, truth or dare?" theo asked.


"i dare you to make out with enzo."

"seriously?" pansy asked. theo raised his eyebrows waiting for her to complete the dare. pansy rolled her eyes as she walked over to enzo and sat on his lap before making out with him. "okay, you can get off now." theo said. pansy and enzo stayed like that. "get off." theo demanded. "why? jealous?" pansy asked before taking a shot of fire whiskey. theo scoffed at her as she never took her eyes from him. "i'm next." enzo said. "blair, truth or-" enzo was cut off by the doors opening again. i turned to see astoria storming in with daphne behind her. "what the hell are you guys doing?" astoria asked. "truth or dare?" theo said confused. "why are you with the new girl? and why didn't you ask me to come?" she asked. "my names blair." i said. "nobody cares." astoria stated nastily. "sorry, figured for once in your life something worth coming out your mouth should be pleasant." i said. "excuse me?" astoria asked. "since i've met you- which was yesterday, you've been a complete bitch. maybe that's why you weren't invited but my names blair, so use it." i said, before she scoffed and walked off. i saw daphne hold back a laugh as she chased down astoria. the doors slammed behind daphne as they both left the room.

"is she always like that?" i asked. "remind me to never get on the bad side of you." pansy stated. "anyways... truth or dare, blair?" enzo asks. "truth." i say hesitantly. "who is the hottest guy you've met at this school so far?" enzo asks smirking. "that's a good one." i say glancing at mattheo to see he's already staring at me. "miles." i smirk. "scalby? nice, blair." pansy said winking at me. i quickly reach for a shot but was quickly stopped. "you can't have a shot." mattheo states. "and why the hell not?" i ask. "the whole point in a 'truth' is too be honest. you lied." he stated grinning. "i didn't lie. miles is one of the hottest guys i've met here." i argue. "but he's not the hottest you've met." mattheo adds. "and how exactly would you know?" i asked. "you've met me?" he says. "i know." i say nodding my head.

"stop with the lies, princess."

what the actual fuck?

who's the hottest guy you've met at hogwarts?

"what the fuck are you doing, riddle?" i asked as he looked at me shocked. everybody looked at us confused until they all passed looks around. "what are you guys not telling me?" i asked. "nothing." they all say in unison. "why the hell can i hear riddles voice in my head then?" i asked. "maybe you should stop thinking about me? or maybe it's your conscience?" mattheo says. "bullshit. you're all hiding something." i say walking off.

A/N: this chapter was kinda fun to write but blair's gonna figure something out soon🤫🤫remember to vote ml's!!

words: 1464

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