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{mattheos pov}

we played truth or dare for a while longer then just sat and enjoyed each others company. pansy, blair and daphne went back to they're dorm rooms while me enzo and theo stayed behind. "blair, almost found out tonight." theo sighed. "thank merlin pansy thought of something quickly." enzo said. "just remember, guys. don't get attached." i said. they both looked at each other for a second before turning back to me. "what?" i asked. "we think.. maybe you're the getting attached.." theo said hesitantly. "what? i'm mattheo riddle. i don't get attached." i said. "are you sure? you seem really nice around her." enzo asked. "do i need to remind you. who's going to be the one to kill her? or maybe remind you of the name riddle? or maybe who my father is?" i spat angrily. they both looked at me unfazed by my words. i let out a sigh. "she said something to me." i groaned. "what did she say?" enzo asked. the subject of my father came up. she already knew i was his son." i said. "okay? and what did she say?" theo asked. "you're more than voldemorts son. you're mattheo riddle." i said feeling a genuine smile appear on my face. theo and enzo looked happy for me until they realised i'd have to be the one to kill her. "just remember, mattheo. you're the one with the task." theo said sadly. "i know. but it's a lot more complicated now." i sighed.

"why? because you have feelings for her?" enzo asked. "okay, i do not have feelings for her. but i can't invade her mind anymore." i groaned. "just because pansy told her about it?" theo questioned. "no, it started a few days ago. i've tried to invade it. it's as if she- she's blocking me out. and i don't think she knows she's going it either." i said confused. "she's a lot more powerful than i thought." i sighed. theo and enzo shot each other concerning looks. "just don't get attached, mattheo." theo said before leaving with enzo back to their dorms.

{blair's pov}

i decided to wake up early today, i quickly went for my morning shower then got dressed before doing my hair and makeup then woke up pansy. pansy quickly got ready after her shower. "you and mattheo seemed to have gotten close." pansy said almost as if it was a question. "he's still a dick. just less." i said shrugging my shoulders. "blair, i don't think-" she cut herself off. "what?" i asked. "never mind." she gave me a faulty smile before heading down to breakfast.

i saw miles sat in our usual spot, so we immediately walked over there. theo, enzo, mattheo and draco were no where to be seen and pansy looked on edge about something. "hey miles." i said giving him a smile. "hey, angel. where have you been?" he asks. "just around. what's with the nickname?" i asked to which he responded by shrugging his shoulders and smirking. after a few minutes. mattheo and the rest of his group came in with unrecognisable expressions. mattheo looked conflicted as if he was mad but also upset but i'm sure she was the only one to notice it. they all sat down not uttering a word. "oh my god, for the first time ever i think riddles been silenced." blair said sarcastically giving him a smile so he knew it was a joke. he only returned her smile with a deafening glare. "shut it, miller. let's not forget your place." he said his body language showing he wasn't joking. "it was only a joke, mattheo." she said confused.

"you're a joke, blair. now shut your mouth and don't forget your still you're fathers daughter." mattheo seethed as she looked at him with utter disbelief. she felt heartbreak at those two words. fathers daughter. she felt her eyes sting as she closed the tightly, attempted to swallow them away. she managed to keep it together and opened her eyes to see a girl practically skipping over here. the girl sat next to mattheo, clinging onto him like a koala in a tree. "hey, babe." the blonde girl. "hey." mattheo said barely acknowledging her presence. "babe?" pansy asked hesitantly aimed at girl making the girl stare at pansy almost threateningly. "yeah. i'm charlotte. nice to meet you." she smiled at pansy but continued to stare at her coldly. "pansy." she replied confused. "and who are you?" she asked almost disgusted. "i don't see us being friends, so really no need to waste my time with me telling you my name." i stated, shaking my head. "fine, guess i won't tell you mine." she said huffing. me and pansy looked at each other confused. "you literally just told us all your name?" i asked confused. "no i didn't." she argued. "okay, charlotte." i mocked, rolling my eyes. the group stifled a laugh as the blonde girls jaw hung in shock. "theo, she's mocking me. do something." the girl whined. me and mattheo glared at each other before mattheo rolled his eyes turning to his overly annoying girlfriend. "maybe you should go sit with your friends. i'll catch up with you later." he sighed. "what? you're not even going to tell this cow off?" the girl asked.

"what the hell did you just call me?" i asked. "are you dumb or just deaf. in fact, don't answer that. we already know." the girl huffed. "listen, you bubbly bitch. get the fuck away from this table before i shove your little boyfriends broomstick so far up your ass—" i started before i was rudely interrupted. "charlotte. go." mattheo demanded this time. charlotte looked between me and mattheo before huffing and walking off. "what the fuck is your problem?" mattheo asked. "what the fuck is wrong with your dumbass girlfriend?" i asked. "you started that—" i cut him off. "i don't give two shits. just because you start dating some dumb blonde bitch doesn't mean she can sit with us. let alone treat any of us like less than her. any problems with it, you and her can stay far the fuck away from me." i stated before walking out of the hall on my way to the only place in here i knew id find a form of comfort.

A/N: i started this chapter ages ago and just couldn't be bothered finishing it. but i did. i really have no idea where this stories going but we'll figure it out. also this is charlotte. i know her personality in 10 things i hate about u is completely different but this isn't that movie. and if you haven't seen the movie go watch it.

words: 1128



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