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A/N: please play fix you - coldplay. while reading this☹️

i ran to the astronomy tower which i had stumbled across a few days prior. i quickly grew fond of the place, the view from the height you were at was gorgeous. the wind breezed into the open area sending chills down blair's neck. she let out a sigh as she felt a tear slide down her cheek. but she didn't feel sad, she didn't feel anything. she just felt numb as the words 'fathers daughter' continued to scatter her mind, only making the tears come down faster. it was like a stream, she couldn't stop it. all she could do was let it flow. she let out another sigh as she leaned against the railing looking up at the sky.

suddenly her eye caught a feathered animal sat on the rooftop, staring at her. somehow she didn't feel creeped out, she felt comforted by it. like it was somehow protecting her in some way.

it flew over to her, landing on the railing she was leaned on. it was her favourite bird, a dove of all things. she let out a chuckle looking at bird. she closed her eyes, wishing she could be a bird. soaring through the sky, without a thought in the world. she suddenly heard wings flap and opened her eyes to see the bird flying in front of her face. as if it wanted to be followed by her. it began flying away. "wait!" Blair yelled reaching out for it. but it was already gone. like everyone in her life it had left. she knew her mother was still there, but she wasn't entirely. she believed mattheo could've been somebody that would stay. but like usual he left her. the tears continued to pour as she fell to the ground. a pit in her stomach. this type of pain was unbearable.

she hated her dad, yes. he was a horrible, horrible man. but he was there. everything was perfect before he changed, he disappeared more often and came home angry or drunk, sometimes both. taking it out on blair's mother. blair knew if she had the choice, she wouldn't want it to happen her mother again. but she missed having a reason left to live. she missed her caring, loving father.

Blair wondered what had happened during her father leaving the house and why he came home angry, she understood if work was hard. but she didn't understand why. why did he take it out on us? why didn't he ask for help? why did he die before i got an explanation?

she suddenly heard footsteps coming up the stairs and put her head up to see enzo. "what the hell are you doing here?" she asked sniffling. he didn't say anything. he just ran over to her and gave her a hug. she began sobbing. unsure of why. she just needed to let it all out.

she had reached her breaking point and it all came flooding out.

"what's wrong, dove?" he asked. she looked at him in shock for a moment. had he seen the dove too? she shook her head slowly. enzo was unsure of what to say. "i'm here, love." he says moving a strand of hair behind her hair. did he say love? "i hate him, enzo." i sobbed out. "i know." he said. "im not my dad." she grimaced. "you're blair miller. you are not your father." enzo assured her. "but neither is he." i choke back another sob. enzo looked at me hesitantly before pulling me into another hug. "you can't tell anybody about this." i sighed using the back of my jumper sleeves to wipe away my tears. "nobody can know i was crying." i state. enzo looked at me curiously. "why not?" enzo asked. "they can't think i'm weak." i state.

A/N: idk, REALLY short chapter but i want blair and enzo to have a cute friendship. cause im so inlove with him. also just realised i haven't added blaise into this yet😉😉


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