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i woke up, i was still pissed off at everybody from last night. they were all lying to me somehow. pansy was still asleep, i have no idea what time she got back to the dorm at. i quickly got ready before waking up pansy. "get up." i say shaking her violently. "what time is it?" she groaned. "i'm not sure. but if you don't get up now. you'll be late." i say as she rolls around. i turn around ready to leave when i hear a giant thud. i turn to see pansy groaning on the floor. "you're an idiot." i sigh helping her get back on the bed. "are you hungover?" i ask. she nods. "i'll tell teachers your sick." i sigh. "are you still mad at me?" she asks. "are you still hiding things from me?" i ask. she doesn't reply. "then yes. i'm still angry at you." i say. "we don't have a choice. it's mattheos power and his choice to tell you." pansy says barely even a whisper. "what?" i ask turning back to see her sound asleep.

i shook off what pansy said since she was probably still drunk from last night. i walked into the courtyard to see some people i knew. a random boy ran up to me, causing me to jump. "sorry about that, love." he says. "no problem. can i help you with something?" i asked laughing. "handing out these pins for the tournament." he says handing me a pin. "thanks, i'm blair by the way." i say giving him a friendly smile. "james tate. ill see you around, love." he says before walking off. i looked at the pin that said 'potter stinks'.

"you stink, potter!" i heard somebody yell infront of me. i watched as cedric walked off with a brunette boy. i saw daphne without astoria at a tree with draco sitting on it. i walked over. "hi daphne. where's astoria?" i asked. "she's not feeling well today." she says with a small smile of relief on her face.

"why so tense, potter?" draco yells removing mine and daphnes attention to his and the same brunette boy from earlier with cedric. "my father and i have a bet, you see. i don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." draco says jumping down from the tree. "he disagrees. he thinks you won't last five." draco states walking closer to 'potter'.

"i don't give a damn what your father thinks, malfoy." the brunette yells shoving draco. "he's vile and cruel and you're just pathetic." he says walking off. i watch as draco mumbles something, taking his wand out.

"oh, no, you don't, sonny." a familiar voice yells.

i hear draco scream as a light flows around his and he shrinks to the ground. i look at daphne as we quickly run over. he's a ferret. "for once in his life he is adorable." i laugh. "ill teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." professor moody yells. "you stinking, cowardly, scummy..." moody says, using his wand to move around the ferret like he did with the spider.

"professor moody!" i hear an old woman yell. i look up from the situation infront of me and meet eyes with none other than riddle. i quickly look away hoping he didn't notice how red my cheeks are.

why are my cheeks red?

"what are you doing?" the old woman asks. "teaching." moody states continuing to move around draco. "is that a...? is that a student?" she asks confused. "technically, it's a ferret." moody states. moody uses the curse to put draco down one of his minions trousers. "stand still! stand still!" the second minion yells.

the ferret slides out the bottom of the minions trousers when the woman turns him back into boring draco. draco stands up in a daze, looking around before seeing moody infront of him. "my father will hear about this!" draco yells backing away.

"is that a threat?" moody asks chasing after him. "professor moody!" the woman yells once more. "is that a threat?" moody yells once more chasing draco around the tree."i could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair!" moody yells as draco runs from the courtyard. "alastor! alastor!" the woman yells. "it doesn't end here!" moody yells.

"we never use transfiguration as a punishment." she yells. "surely dumbledore told you that." the woman says keeping her wand raised to his face. "he might've mentioned it." moody states. "well, you will do well to remember it. away." the woman says walking off. i see moody make a face before walking off.

"did that really just happen?" i asked daphne. "i think it might've." she said smiling. "did anybody take a photo?" i asked, i watched her smile slowly fade making me confused. "well that was truly something else." i hear an annoyingly familiar voice say. i close my eyes and sigh before turning back to see riddle. "oh, great. it's just my favourite person in the whole of hogwarts." i say sarcastically. "don't tell me you're still upset about last night?" he asks. "what happened last night?" daphne asks. "nothing." i sigh. "i didn't let her finish." he whispers. "you are disgusting, mattheo." i say almost gagging.

as if i'd ever fuck him.

"don't act like you wouldn't, princess."


you're not crazy. but you are something else.

"what's with the eye contact?" daphne asks. "what eye contact?" i ask. "could've been sex eyes." she says. "it was rage. because people are hiding things from me and not telling me anything." i huff. "right. well, im going to go. before i'm late for class." daphne says awkwardly walking off. "why is everybody acting like im crazy?" i sigh. mattheo stays silent, just looking at me. "maybe you are." he finally says. "right." i say coldly as i walk off. "don't walk away from me." mattheo says from behind me. "screw you, riddle." i say continuing to walk. "we can be friends, blair." he says, i can practically hear his smirk plastered on his face. "no, we can't. i've tried to and every time i try you push me away. as if you can't let anybody be close to you because it'll- make you weak. i'm not here to be one of your little toys, mattheo. i'm a person, so act as if you're not the only body on this earth, you self centered asshole." i yell before walking off with out him following behind.

A/N: what even was this chapter. i'm so sorry for this. either way i had to post a chapter sometime xoxo

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words: 1120

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