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i asked enzo to leave me for a while but thanked him before he left. i turned back to the railing holding onto it as i sighed.

everything will be okay. you are not your fathers daughter.

i reminded myself. the dove was nowhere to be seen. it left.

i walked back down the astronomy tower and immediately noticed pansy's worried expression.

"what's wrong with you?" i asked, it came off more judgemental than i intended. "we have a problem- other than riddle's new girlfriend." she groaned. "what's the problem?" i asked.


"the yule ball... has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament... since its inception. on christmas eve night, we and our guests... gather in the great hall... for a night of well-mannered frivolity. as representatives of the host school... i expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward and i mean this literally, because... the yule ball is, first and foremost.. a dance." the old lady announced. everybody groaned including me.

"i hate dances." pansy cried. "me too." i agreed. "hey, who's that woman?" i asked, i seen her a lot around school and always forgot to ask. "that old hag? professor mcGonagall." pansy sighed.

"silence!" mcGonagall yelled throwing her hands in the air. "the house of salazar slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly 10 centuries. i will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." the old woman stated. "wonder how many times she rehearsed that?" i whispered into pansys ear who stifled a laugh.

"now, to dance is too let the body breathe inside every girl, a secret swan slumber..." professor said, making me grimace. "longing to burst forth and take flight." she added. "inside every boy, a slithering snake prepared to hiss." she said, i saw mattheo whisper something to enzo laughing while keeping his eyes on mcgonagall. "mr riddle will you join me, please?" mcgonagall asked. he shook his head softly. she nodded her head before looking around the boys side of the room. "i wasn't asking, mr riddle." she stated demandingly. mattheo got up as the group laughed at him.

his facial expression stayed the same as he walked over to mcgonagall. they walked to the center of the room. "now, place your right hand on my waist." mcgonagall said making me let out a stifled laugh. he paused for a moment before letting out a sigh and putting his hand on her waist. "mr filch, if you please." mcgonagall said to the creepy looking man behind her.

they began swaying to the music. as everybody stifled a laugh. "everybody come together. boys, on your feet." mcgonagall yelled as everybody stood immediately and let go off mattheo. "me and pansy stuck together until a boy i recognised to be always hanging around draco stole her. i officially hate him. Miles walked over to me and stuck out his hand, asking to dance. "what a gentleman." i said sarcastically. "shes already got a partner." somebody said behind me. i turned to see mattheo. why is he always behind me? "no i don't?" i questioned. "yeah. me. so thanks... whatever your name is." mattheo said waving him off. "its miles." he said glaring at mattheo. "don't actually care." mattheo said, walking beside me glaring at miles.

im very tempted to just walk away now. they both continue to glare at each other until mattheo breaks the silence, but not the stone cold stare. "you do realise i could murder you in a matter of seconds, get away with it with just a slap of the wrist and feel absolutely no remorse or are you forgetting that i am lord voldemorts son." miles winces before looking at me. i give him a nod, letting him know not to retaliate.

i don't like mattheo, doesnt mean i don't underestimate him.

miles sighs before walking off, not looking back and mattheo turns to me with a victorious grin. "you're a real piece of shit, you know that?" i ask. "you really should be more polite to your own dance partner." he scoff, still holding that annoying grin. "using your fathers title to win some sort of argument? get it together, riddle." i say, as he takes one of my hands and puts his free hand on my waist.

as soon as i felt his cold touch on my waist i felt something in my stomach. butterflies? no way in azkaban. spiders probably.

"did you not expect me to use it? careful, blair. you underestimate me." he grins as i put my hand on his shoulder. "i don't think i underestimate you at all, riddle. i think you could kill anybody without any remorse, maybe that's you're downfall. maybe it's the daddy issues or maybe that it's just you being a complete heartless dick." i send him a sadistic smirk as his fades and we move as the music begins. "you're one to talk about 'daddy issues' and i'm not that heartless." he sighs. "really? you're not heartless? tell me one thing you love- or even like a lot." i ask. he pauses for a moment, throwing his head to the side. "the smiths." he says quietly. "what?" i ask. "the smiths. popular rock band from-" "i know what the smiths are. i love them. i just didn't expect you to like anything that didn't involve you." i cut him off. "cut me some slack, blair. neither of us were exactly raised in a house full of unconditional love and support." he rolls his eyes.

i open my mouth to say something before i stop. "how the hell do you know what kind of house i was raised in?" i ask confused. his mouth twitches. the record scratches making everybody stop to cover their ears. including me. "alright, the record seems to have broken. we will pick this up tomorrow, everybody return to their dorms to freshen up for dinner in an hour." professor mcgonagall yells. i take my hands from my ears and turn back to mattheo, hoping to ask him once again about our previous conversation but he's gone. what a dick.


A/N: ive not posted a new chapter in forever. i always forget that i have a sbr acc, edit acc and wattpad story☹️ hope you enjoyed this chapter that i've been writing for A MONTH!!!

words: 1078

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