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"and now for our fourth and final contestant." the speaker said. everybody had already managed to get their eggs. i guess the challenges get harder each time. "harry! harry! harry!" the crowd roared before becoming silent. i saw the brunette boy slowly make his way to the golden egg before the dragon used its tail to trip him. it began breathing fire at him, making harry run. harry quickly attempted to climb up some rocks but the dragon spread its wings and hit its tail off the rocks, it proceeded to throw harry across the arena and roar loudly. i saw harry use his wand to enchant something as he hid behind some rocks. the dragon quickly spread fire around the rock. i saw as a broom flew into the arena and harry jumped onto it. the dragon attempted to run from the dragon, as it tugged on its chain which eventually snapped.

harry went through a stand with the crowd in it, the dragon right behind it. it tore off the roof of the stand as it chased him down. "holy shit." i muttered. "it's fine, he'll make it out alive." mattheo said. "glad to know you have no doubts." i said teasingly. the crowd was silent waiting for harry to return from his chase. i saw some people begin to get worried then i heard cheering from a side of the arena i turn to see harry on his broom returning. everybody began cheering again. "do you think they know there's a wild dragon somewhere around hogwarts?" i asked mattheo. "probably not." he laughed.

"shows over." pansy said walking over to us as everyone cleared out of the arena. as we all walked back to hogwarts it grew darker. "hey pansy?" i asked looking back at her as she walked with theo. "yeah?" she asked. "are we doing anything tonight or?" i asked. "we could stay in the common room for a while if that's okay with you guys?" she asked. they all nodded.

we all sat on the couches in silence for a moment. "hey, did we actually decide what we were going to do here?" i asked. "no. truth or dare?" pansy suggested. we all looked around before nodding. pansy sat down some fire whiskey and veritaserum. "hey, isn't this..." "veritaserum." pansy cut me off. "where did you get your hands on a truth serum?" theo smirked. "i have my ways." she said. i couldn't help but smirk at a plan forming in my head. pansy walked over to a bookcase taking out shot glasses that were hidden in the back.

she walked back over, pouring some shots with a drop of veritaserum. we all took the shot. "who's first?" i asked. "i'll go." theo said.

"truth or dare, enzo."


"who's the hottest girl here."

the only girls here were daphne, pansy and me.

"daphne." he said before slamming a hand over his mouth. i looked at daphne who was blushing like crazy. "didn't expect that." i laughed. "if it helps you guys would make a great couple." pansy said. "moving on, who's next?" enzo asked. "it's pansys turn." theo said.

"okay then. blair, truth or dare?" she asked. "dare." i smirked. "i dare you to sit on the lap of the hottest guy here." she said raising an eyebrow. i shrugged my shoulders before getting up and walking over to mattheo. i sat down on mattheo lap as he smirked almost victorious. "was that really hard for you to admit, princess?" he asked. "i never denied it, sweetheart." i said teasingly.

"daphne's turn!" i said. i decided to mess with riddle a bit. i began moving around a little bit and i heard him moan slightly making me smirk. i felt his cold hand on my thigh, slowly drifting up. it stopped a few metres from my skirt making me sigh of relief. "you wanna play this game with me, darling?" he whispered in my ear. i continued to move around on his lap before feeling a bulge against my leg. "blair's turn." theo said snapping my attention from mattheo. "you can get off mattheo now, blair." pansy said making me hold back a laugh. "i just got comfy." i nodded my head slowly. "anyway, is it my turn?" i asked theo who nodded his head.

i looked between pansy, theo and mattheo curiously. "pansy. truth or dare?" i asked. "truth." she said. "was hoping you'd say that." i smiled. "what are you hiding from me?" i asked seriously. everybody passed concerned looks around and i felt mattheo grip my thigh harder. "what?" she gulped. "what are you all hiding from me?" i shrugged my shoulders. "pansy.." mattheo said glaring at pansy while shaking his head slowly. pansy looked guilty and theo looked like he'd throw up. enzo and daphne also looked really guilty for some reason. "mattheos been reading your mind." she said quickly. "excuse me?" i asked. i almost burst of laughing. "mattheo is a mind reader?" i asked smiling widely before looking at everyone who was looking at me in suspense. i turned to mattheo. "you're a mind reader?" i asked. mattheo threw his head back and groaned which kinda turned me on but i also had to stay focused. "you're serious?" i asked pansy who just nodded. "are you guys fucking kidding? that's it?" i laughed. "i thought somebody was out to kill me. merlin, anyway who's turn is it next?" i asked. i saw everybody take a sigh of relief.

"wait, how did you think i'd react to that?" i asked. "angry." enzo said. "merlin, i thought you were going to kill me." theo laughed. i looked at them confused and offended for a second. "i didn't think it'd be that bad. i just wanted to read your mind a bit more." mattheo said. "wow, thanks guys. appreciate the feedback." i said sarcastically, making them all laugh.

A/N: here's chapter 7!!! the next chapter will clear a few things up in this story and they'll also be a twist i've not yet done

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