Chapter 2 ~Late~

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The (h/c)-ette walked through the halls, looking up at the signs, trying to find her friends class. She can never remember what class she is in on Monday mornings.

I stopped walking and walked back seeing my friend. It was still pretty early and. The teacher wasn't in class yet.

She was just sitting there on her phone listening to music, like usual.

"Heyyy Ava!" The (h/c)-ette smiled at her friend Ava. Ava Wilde has been on of (y/n)'s few friends.

The (h/c)-ette tries her best not to make friends, as weird as it sounds. But she believes that it is better for the long run.

"Hey girl!!" Ava said, with an exited tone. Standing up quickly, her chair scrapping on the floor whole she did so.

"Gimme, gimme!" She smiled, basically hopping over, with a huge grin on her face.

(Y/n) pulled a plastic bag out of her school bag and held it out for Ava to take. She basically ripped her hand off, taking it from her, well, more like snaching it.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best!" She beamed looking in the bag.

"Mhm, no problem. I don't like them, you do. It'd be a shame if they went to waste." The (h/c)-ette said with a small smile.

Ava smiled and giggled, nearly hopping back to her seat while the (h/c)-ette followed her to her seat, leaning on her friends desk.

"Soo, i guess what i heard." Ava smiled an evil grin with a mischievous tone.

"... honestly, I don't even wanna know at this point." The (h/c)-ette said to her friend, sighing a little at her friends suspicious behaviour.

"Awww, come on, ask me what I heard!" Ava squealed excitedly, wanting her friend to ask her.

"Finee, what did you hear?" (Y/n) asked her friend, with a monotone voice.

"At least pretend to be interested." Her friend rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I heard that you showed up to school with Chifuyu." Ava informed her friend.

"Yeah, I know. He introduced himself to me." The (h/c)-ette rolled her eyes to her friend.

"No, no, but you know he's a delinquent? Like, I thought you hated those. You always said that they are 'idiots who can through a punch, like causing trouble and beating people up, but fail all their classes'." Ava said, looking at her friend, confused.

"Oh, well, yeah. But he was nice, he looked super nervous to even talk to me, it was funny." (Y/n) said, remembering her encounter with the blond.

"Aww, do you like him?" The (h/c)-ette's friend teased.

"What, no! That's where I draw the line. I'll talk to delinquents if their nice, maybe. But full-on go put with one, no way!" She yelled to her friend, getting a little flush in the cheeks.

"You sure about that?" Her friend teased even more.

The (h/c)-ette was about to say something else to defend herself, to thanks be to God the bell rang.

Talk about being saved by the bell.

The teacher walked into class, setting his things down on the desk as students slowly started to flow into the class.

"Miss (l/n). This isn't your class, let alone even your school. Go to class before you're even more late." The teacher warned.

The girl nodded and picked up her bag, bidding goodbye to her friend and walking out of the class.

The teacher here not surprisingly knew her well since she showed up to greet some of her friends here a lot.

As she was leaving the class, she caught a glimpse of long black hair passing her as she was walking out of the class.

She stared at him as he walked past her. He had a very strong smell of smoke and mens cologne. It burnt her nose a bit, she brang her hand up over her nose, trying to block out the smell.

As he glanced back at her with a smirk, grinning like the cherish cat, showing his sharp teeth in the process.

Then, he looked back ahead, chuckling a little to himself.

The (h/c)-ette felt her face heat up a little it spreading to her ears, she held the strap of her bag tighter, spinning on her heel and walking off out of the school building back to her own school.

What the fuck was that? Why was he starting at me like that? What's wrong with him? The girl silently though to herself as she walked towards her school.

By the time she got to school she was only around 10 minutes late. And she hated being late.

She prefers to be early. So she can set up her desk. Have her pencil out, rubber, pen, tip ex. All of it. And not having to be rushing.

God, the things I do do for her is unreal. The girl sighed as she walked into class late.

The teacher said nothing as she walked in, sitting down in her seat near the back. The teachers never gave out to her for being late, or skipping class.

They would probably let her get into a scrap if she wanted. She's not a fan of fighting though, so they don't need to worry about that happening.

But still. She wants to be treated like everyone else. Not given special treatment.

Just treated normally.

But, how was she kidding. It would ever be like that. And she'll never get the chance to try and change it.

Life is cruel and unfair, even to people how don't deserve it.

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