Chapter 9 ~Glass~

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Meddle about-
Well, come and get it now
Come and get it now Baby, show me what you're doing
Come and turn around
'Cause it's not just a figure of speech
You got me down on my knees
It's getting harder to breathe out
We only met each other just the other day
But you already got me feeling some type of way Now
If I could figure it out I'd take you back to my house
So we could meddle about

"Girllll!" The high-pitched voice screamed from the distance.


She wrapped her arms around her neck, neatly pulling her friend down. "Oh, my baby got into her first fight!!"

Baji leaned away, taking a deep breath and sighing. He was almost relieved she showed uo when she did, or else he would have done something that would mess everything up.

"It wasn't really a fight.." The (h/c)-ette said quietly, not really wanting to talk about it.

"Yeah, damn right, it wasn't a fight. That other girl didn't even stand a chance." Baji joined in, his tone turning into a teasing, mocking one.

"I wish I was in your school! The amount that bitch fights that happen there are unbelievable!" Ava exclaimed in a frustrated manner tugging on her friends arm.

(Y/n) looked at her friend rolling her eyes at her. With a slight stiffled laugh.

The two girls continued to walk with Ava pulling out on (y/n), jumping around and being really hyper, Baji doing the same but louder, as they talked about the (h/c)-ette like she wasn't there.

(Y/n) and Baji had walked Ava to her house then turning around going to start heading towards her house. But Baji stopped her grabbing her arm and dragging her the opposite way.

"Uh, wrong way. My house is that way." The (h/c)-ette said pointing back the other way.

"Were not going there." He said plain and simple.

"Huh?! Where are we going then..?" The girl said as he dragged her down the road in a direction she's never gone.

"My apartment."

"... your *what?!"

"My apartment."

"What? no! Why?!"

He smirked at the girls reaction, laughing at her a little, while he continued to drag her down the road.

"Why...?" The girl asked quietly. Flushed at the way he was acting.

He was bringing her to his apartment. His APARTMENT. With just her and him, *wait is his parents even home?! She's going to his apartment... his apartment.

"Why? You sure are asking a lot of questions."

"Then answer then."

"I'm getting hungry. And your very lucky that you've never had to see me when I get hungry."

She let out a little snicker. "Oh? I'm lucky, now I am?"

He looked down at her stilling dragging her and smirking, pulling her into his slinging his arm arounf her. "To be around me, very lucky."

She smiled even more and laughed a little, "alright, whatever helps you sleep at night, princess." She said with a mocking tone.

"Hey! If anyone around here is a princess, it's you!" He laughed with a sharp grin, showing his pointed teeth.

"I'm not-" She was cut off by Baji speaking again.

"Actually, your not a princess, a princess wouldn't beat the shit out of a girl for the sake of it." He smirked at her again grabbing her hand and looking down at her bloodied and bruised knuckles.

"Three things! First of all, she deserved it. And second, I didn't do it for the sake of it. AND! Your one to talk, you go around beating people up 'for the sake of it'." She said mocking his words.

"I'm a delinquent, what do you expect." He said with a grin. Thinking to himself for a second, *what did she do to deserve it? He was getting more and more curious.

"And I don't want you to be like me. A delinquent. It's stressful sometimes. People your close to... trading sides." He said, the last two words, he struggled to say a bit.

The (h/c)-ette thought about his words for a second, his grinning smile faltering for a brief second.

"Well... I'll always be on your side. Your not that bad of a guy, for a delinquent, of course." She said without thinking of her words, instantly regretting them. Her face and ears heating up.

He smiled.

A genuine smile, not a teasing smile, not a smirk, or a grin. A smile.

A I'm happy yo have you in my life smile- wait what was she thinking, no, no, no, no, she can't be thinking this. This can't happing. Nothing can happen between them.

She wants to protect him from this part of her. She doesn't want him to find out. She wants him to still treat her the way he does right now.

Teasing, bickering, not treating her like she's glass going to break at any minute. Though, that's not a bad way to describe her. She is like glass, in a way.

Delicate, fragile, solid *looking.

She looks fragile, delicate, but she wouldn't have gotten *this far, with this burden if she was fragile and delicate.

She is glass though, just... not the stereotypical type of glass, she has thick skin, thick but clear. She knows we're she's going to end up, she has a clear idea of were she's headed.

She's like bullet proof glass.

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