Chapter 5 ~Stay Here~

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We walked into a book shop looking around (y/n) clinging still to Avas arm, her  cheeks and ears were still a little flush from Baji and Ava's teasing about Baji.

They walked around Ava picking up a lot of thriller and action books, while the (h/c)-ettw was only picking up fantasy books.

If anything, (y/n) looked like the type of person to read thriller and action, and Ava as the fantasy reader.

She wandered around looking for a book for herself, while Ava went off to the thriller section.

She pottered around looking for a book. One in particular caught her eye. 'Heartless' by Marissa Meyer. She didn't know much about it, all she knew is that after the end of the book the male character she falls in love with dies.

It was sad but she still really wanted to read it. It was 2,000 yen, and she didn't have enough. She was only short by a but too which made it so much more worse.

She put the book back and continued to looking around at books she knew, read, and wanted to get.

Around around 30 minutes, the (h/c)-ette found her way back to her friend who was carrying three books.

'A good girls guide of murder' all three of them. "You know, they're making this into a TV show?" Ava told her friend.

"Yeah, I know, I heard. You exited to watch it or something?" She asked Ava.

"Mhm, I wanna read the book first then a show."

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

Ava then bought her books. They walked out of the shop. With Ava carring the plastic bag with her books.

After that the two girls just wandered arkunf walking and talking, not really have a destination in mind. Just going wherever they end up.

Eventually, Ava need to go home since it was getting darker and her parents didn't want her out too late because of all the gangs and delinquents.

But of course, that then left the (h/c)-ette to have to walk home by herself at night in the dark.

She wasn't scared or anything. But just to make herself feel better and extra safe, she always stook to the main roads. When it can to night, (y/n) didn't really care about short cuts, but prioritised safety over short cuts.

As she was walking she seen a big group of guys in uniforms wearing white. There was around 20 of them and she was too tired to deal with this so she decided to just turn right.

She walk up the long stair. When shefinally get to the top she's already out of breath, she paused for a minute to catch her breath. Then continuing her way towards the shrine.

If you were to walk past the shine and through the trees it would bring the you to the road that she lived on.

So much for not taking short cuts at night. The girl thought to herself.

As she got closer to the shine, she started to hear muffled voices of guys talking, then a bunch of them shouting.

When she realised what it was and what was going on she was already too close to just turn around. It was a miracle no one noticed her showing up here.

But she knew she wouldn't be so lucky if she tried to leave.

The (h/c)-ette decided to quietly but quickly walk over to the nearest tree and just crouch behind it.

For someone so smart she really could be stupid sometimes.

She got to the tree crouching behind it her knees to her chest. Luckily she went home and changed out of her uniform before going out with Ava, or else she would've been freezing right now.

She wasn't able to make out what the delinquents where saying because she still weren't close enough for her to make it out.

"Hey." A voice came from behind her. She had been so focused on trying to hear what they were saying, she missed that some guy had snook up behind her.

She whipped her head around to see who it was. They sounded to close to her like they were talking right into her ear.

There was Baji. Crouching right behind her, basically on top of her, manspreading too, to make it worse.

He wasn't looking at her, he was staring ahead at the toman meeting that was taking place. He looked so serious. No smirking like he was before.

He moved his arm off from resting on his thigh and putting his hand on her lower back.

Her body tensed at the sudden touch, and I felt like electricity was rushing through her body and it was on fire. Her face was on fire too, cheeks and ears heating up.

He didn't even seem to notice the effect he was having on her right now at this moment.

"Stay here. Dont move. Dont speak. Don't make a sound." He warned, whispering into her ear. Finally looking down at her while they were still there crouching down, with him basically on top of her.

When his eyes finally met hers, and he seen her flush cheeks and ears. He couldn't help but smirk, at what he had done to her with such minimal effort.

He stood up his hands finally leave her back and the warmth of his body so close to hers too.

He finally walked off away from the tree giving her a wink before he felt, heading towards the toman meeting.

Turning his head and giving her a cheeky wink before joining the first division, standing beside Chifuyu.

His smirk that he had there to her was gone. And he again looked serious ad he listened to the meeting.

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