Chapter 8 ~Bloodied Knuckles~

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The (h/c)-ette walked out of the school. Surprisingly, she hasn't gotten in trouble yet. Yet.

She walked towards the school gate, along with all the other girls from her school them all making their way home just like she was.

She looked down at her knuckles.


Her right hand was a lot worse than her left since she was stronger with her right.

She walked out of the gate while all the other girls whispered and pointed at her. She didn't really care, nor did she blame them.

It probably surprised a lot of people. She wasn't a volilent person, nor had she ever hit someone. Well, in front of other people.

"Looks like you're popular today, pre." She recognised the voice all too well at this point. He slung his arm around her shoulder, pitting his weight on her.

She dropped her hands, looking up at him. "Yeah, all for the wrong reasons, too, and being around you isn't making it any better." She hissed, shoving him away.

Putting her hands on his chest to shove him away. Surprisingly, she had actually managed to do it this time. I guess it's the adeline, the girl thought.

She was still pretty hyper from what had happened today.

Baji smirked as she pushed him away and off her. This eyes fell on her hands, more so her knuckles.

He chose not to say anything, yet that is.

They fell into silence as they continued to walk away from the school.

The whispers about her only had gotten louder since Baji was here. He listened to what some of the girls were saying.

"How could she do something like that?"
"Clara is such a nice person. Why would she just do that."


He continued to listen in onto what all the forls were whispering about.

"Did you see that Clara looked like after?"
"No, why. Was it that bad?"

This conversation, in particular, had caught Baji's interest.

"Her eye was already bruising up, and her lip was bust, and I even think her nose was broke."
"Woah, really?"
"Yeah, but that bitch didn't even get in trouble for beating Clara up."
"Wasn't it because Megan had dragged her off first?"
"Yes, Megan's probably gonna get into trouble too, then."
"... why would (y/n) ever do such a thing?"

That's when it clicked. (Y/n)... had beaten up some girl. But why? But also... Damn.. it was probably really hot too.

It made sence, why her knuckles were all beat up looking, because she sluged the crap out of some girl.

He let out a little laugh to himself, remembering how the girl said that fighting was bad and how people shouldn't. Well, she's a bit of a hypocrite now.

They kept walking, as more girls whispered about why she was hanging out with a delinquent.

"He was waiting for her at the gate and everything."
"Think they're dating?"
"Why is she hanging out with a delinquent."

The kept walking and most of the girls had gone they're separated ways. Which left them two alone, so they could talk eitput anyone easedropping.

"So, you beat the shit out of some girl? I gotta say, you probably looked really hot doing it." He teased with a shit eating smirk.

"Seriously, that's the first thing you say." She rolled her eyes looking away to try and hide the blush that was on her face.

He chuckled at her. "Just so you know, I can still see your ears, and they're the first think that goes pink when you blush." He said, whispering into her ear.

She shoved him away and he just laughed as they walked. "So, your gonna tell me why?"

"Huh? 'Why' what?"

"Why you beat the shit gotta that girl."

She didn't say anything, opening her mouth to say something, then closing it again. At a loss for words, for once not knowing what to say.

Baji didn't say anything, not wanting to annoy her, and end up her koto even telling him.

"She was just annoying me."

Baji didn't believe her. "Bullshit."

"... she just teases me a little that all." The ,(h/c)-ette said, typing to down play it.

"No, what i do is teasing, what she does, I'm guessing, is bulling."

The girl didn't say anything, and just looked down at he ground as they continued to walk.

Baji decided to change the subject a little, to ask another question that he was really curious about.

"So where'd you even learn to slug someone that good, huh?" He asked looking down at her feeling a little proud in himself for her.

She hesitated for a moment then decided to tell him. "My Dad thought me.." she said quietly. "He always said that if you going to get into a fight let of the other person throw the first punch first, then hit back." She said with a small laugh.

"I didn't exactly do that this time, did I?" She said with a bit of a smile, dtopping to look up at him.

He stopped too. Then smirking too, one that showed his sharp teeth. "No. No, you didn't." He grinned at her.

His eyes then drifting to her lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss her. What she would do, how she would act, what she would say. But most importantly, would she kiss back.

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