Statements and Toads

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The first of september arrived too quickly for Hibari's liking, spending summer afternoons with his girlfriend was even better than discipling Namimori's herbivores (he still hadn't stopped, even if they finally seemed to have understood that the carnivore was his), even with the two way diaries and the ability to make video calls with Althea's new laptop (hell if the english wizards are behind),he couldn't help but envy the Vindex, with their ability to teleport into the castle without being detected.

Eh, no, he wasn't pouting while he and the Vongola arrived. It was still very early and few people had already arrived, the Pendragons were packing up their luggage (Cedric was with the Simons on their island to help them familiarize themselves with the magical society) when...

"Since when do they allow muggles on the platform?" came the arrogant and disdainful voice of a boy with platinum blonde hair, Draco Malfoy, who hadn't seen the Varia who had moved away momentarily and therefore found himself in front of the Vongola.

"Kufukufuku, hey Thea-chan who the hell is this idiot?" Mukuro asked, for once Hibari didn't feel like smashing his face in, even though he didn't like him using chan with his girlfriend.

"You answered yourself Muku-chan, just an idiot" Althea replied using the nickname she had created with the sole purpose of irritating him, one of the many little things that Hibari loved about the carnivore, Mukuro in fact pouted at the nickname.

Red with anger Draco looked like he was about to scream, but instead he regained his composure and said "you shouldn't be in such disreputable company Miss Potter, what impression would you make on your suitors?"

Suddenly all the Vongola including Mukuro, who wasn't so masochistic as to ridicule Althea and Kyo-chan's relationship (yes, he used the nickname to bore him), distanced themselves from the blonde who was at risk for being beaten, while Althea looked furious and ready to curse him, only to calm down and grin in a way that would make her big brother proud.

Malfoy felt cold metal being pointed at his neck "herbivore, for insulting my fiance,prepare to be bitten to death" Hibari said in a steely voice as he raised the other tonfa to strike.

Throughout the journey to Hogwarts Neville could only think that Malfoy's beating was the new happy memory for his patronus, he had to remember to copy the memory and send it to his grandmother, the Malfoy's were really annoying her the good thing was that the Malfoy's couldn't even take revenge against Hibari, it was normal for a fiance to defend his future bride. Ronald's pale face when he saw and heard Hibari was just the icing on the cake.

He was interrupted from his daydream by Althea when they arrived in the great hall "Nev, i think we have a problem, they really sent the toad in pink", Dolores Umbridge, the senior under secretary and a big believer in blood purity, not to mention a supporter of at least a hundred laws against magical creatures.

In short, it was garbage of the worst kind, they would have been forced to watch their backs, especially to go and remove the horcrux from the diadem that was hidden in the room of requirements (the cup was already in their hands, but the only reason why Viper had succeeded was because he had promised the goblins to clean it from the horcrux with a ritual and then leave it to them the only problem was the ritual in question could only be carried out next year on new years eve, because the cup instead of being made by the goblins it had fairy origin? It made everything more difficult so they were forced to stall Voldemort until the middle of Althea's sixth year).

Only after future Vipers memories had he realized that the detection ritual had been sidetracked by hundreds of gringotts protections there was still a horcrux hidden inside the lestrange vault, the negotiations had gone for several weeks, weeks where the translation of the Gryffindor diaries had fallen solely to Althea, it would still be some time before the information about her work to undo the curse was understandable.

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