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8:47 pm;Seattle,Washington

I look up at the clock in my office and look nack at my work.Shit,I have tons left."Stella!One cup of regular iced latter for me and a bottle of red wine,please.",I hear a booming voice.

I have to fly to London tomorrow and finish all these work.The italian goons are not stopping,I also need to fly to italy tomorrow....I don't have time for these nutheads.

"Dude,you are newly married.You are not supposed to be in an office at 8:45 pm at night!",Tristan says plopping on the couch on my office with his scrubs still on.

" Unlike some people I actually like working. And the marrigae is just in names anyway.",I shrug.The chair infront of me is pulled.

"Yet she is called Sadah Kingstone for a reason. And what are you doing to get away from your father's assigned buttler in your house spying on you?", Blaze asks me.

" Fortunately, I have a wife who will live in a room and die in it for the rest of her life.She never goes out of the room, in return I take the couch at night.",I said smirking since my plan worked perfectly.

"That is on hell of an introvert.", Rue says. " I know. And it's amazing.She can be easily ignored.",I shrug.

"Which reminds me,you need to introduce this introvert to us.Last time, we met her she didn't even acknowledged our presence.", Rue says to me.

" Yeah,she did.She called you 'four men'. ",
" Glad she acknowledged our manhood.",Tristan says with a wine glass in his hand.I narrow my eyes at him. "Never say that again.It doesn't sound right.", I glare at him.

" I didn't mean,she acknowledged my dick,Kingstone. ",Tristan scoffs." She will never acknowledge it,Clarkson!",I snap at him.

"I meant-Oh my god,Kingstone.Are you jealous?", Tristan asks in disbelife." I am not jealous but these type of talk doesn't go well with her.",I clarify.

"I ma bored.Can we watch some tele?", Rue switches on the television in my office which I have for no apparent reason.

" No,you cannot!This is my office and you-",I stop midsentence as my eyes glances at the tv to find my name on the television.

"Our sources has found out that the billionaire Aaron Kingstone's wife is in these small store.Her identity was exposed and now the store is filled with reporters trying to get a glimpse of her.

Because everyone, you, me and I are curious to know who the mystery lady is.", the reporter says with a pearly smile and his perfect hair.

I dial my security head's ohone.George picks up."Sir,the crowd has gone crazy.People in the store,reporters everyone is scrambeld around the area.",he says as soon as I call him.

" Just take her and leave,George.What are you waiting for?!",I ask in disbelife.

After a pause Geroge says,"We have been trying tof ind her for the past twenty minutes.We cannot find her,sir.",he says to me. I cut the call.

"I will start the car.",Blaze says walkinb outside.I storm out of the office with four men walking behind me.

By the time we pull to the store that is now filled with paparazzi outside and inside the store I am mentally and physically tensed for her safety.

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