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After a week

I look through my emails and scroll through them when an e-mail catches my attention.I click on it and the acceptance letter of St.Louise Highschool pops open.

"Sadah?", I call out to her as she is reading in my study. She humms engrosed in the book." I got your acceptance letter.Your school starts from tomorrow.",I tell her and she glances at me.

"I still didn't got my highschool mark sheet.", she points out." I have it.And londn's most prestigious highschool accepted you.",I said proudly since I didn't have to pull strings for that.

"You are joking.", she says with a serious tone." I am not.",I said sincerly pushing my laptop towards her." that is something.",she bites her lower lip as creases froms on her nape.

"You look stressed out.", I ask frowning." It's just that...I am not a person who embraces new changes in life and it's....a lot of changes.

And it....*sighs* sucks.Highschool sucks.",she adds with another sigh.

"And on top of that I am married.", she murmurs under her breath which I hear.I look at her with no emotion as she looks down her ring  finger playing with it. "I want to hide the fact I am married.", she says to me.Is she disgusted to be married to me?Or is she embarrassed?

"Why?", I soehiw manage to keep a calm tone when my blood is boiling and insecurity churning inside me iwth a new found jealousy."Because,it's highschool!

You study,makes friends and party.You do not get married in highschool,duh.", she says a little annoyed that I am not understanding it.

" No.Besides your face is plastered all over the news.You think,they won't notice?",I raise an eyebrow at her. "Whta?Why is my face in the media?", she asks frowning at me.

" You decided to say hi to the camera. ",I shrug innocently and her face goes pale.Mission successful." Oh,now worries.I will just wear normal teenager clothes.None will notice.",she brushes it off. I look at her.

"What?", she asks as she gets up,her buns opens sprawling her hair like beautiful waterfall.Her flimsy  nightie slipping down her breast revealing those soft,white mounds.

Control,Aaron..control." Do you not wear normal teenager clothes?",I ask her. "Does these...look normal to you?", she asks me amused as she gestures at her nightie." No,but you are eighteen and an 11th grader.",I point out.

"I am seventeen.I am not eighteen....yet.More like seventeen and half.", she says to me making me cokh on air." You are sleeping with a minor, darling.",she shrugs coming towards me.

I wrap my arms around her waist looking into her beautiful brown eyes."How did the marriage certifica-"

"They were my fake papers,your dad arranged.", she says. " WHAT!",I ask dumbfounded.She winces at my yell."Geez,shut up.",she frowns slapping my cheek playfully.

"Where did you meet dad?", I ask her curiously." It's a long story.By the way,I need a phone.I need to buy one.I want to talk with my mother.",she says to me.

"Your mom is on the airplane while we speak.And your i-phone will be here in an hour.", I assure her pulling my little bubby in my arms.My fingers tug on her stringey dress strap.Her ifngers starts playing with my buttons." What is your favourite colour?"

She looks at me slightky startled."Light pink,dark blue and forest green.",she says as her hand trails down my pants.My hold on her tightens as she boldly unzips me."What is yours?",she asks me and I look at her beautiful brown ones."Brown.",I said."That is a basic colour to love.",she says with an amused face.
"I don't care.Favourite food?", I ask again." Hmm...sea food.Any kind of.But I hate fish that is not shrimp or hilsha.I like meat but not beef and pork is a HUGE Chicken and mutton only.

Ooh!I also love pasta!The oven baked ones with cheesy creamy texture.I love green tea, too.But I hate milk tea.I love mango ice-cream but hate chocolate.I love is complicated to tell my favourite food when you have so many.",she says seeing my amused face.

"So,my wife loves her food.Then why do you eat all these salads and that detox water? ",I put her legs on both side of my lap snuggling her.

" I have PCOD.It's a kind of...ovary disease type thing that can lead to PCOS which is a huge big fertility problem.

So, I need to keep my BMI in control as well as keep my body fit.It means a hell lot of salads and gym.",she groans in frustration.

"But you never go to gym.", I frown at her. She chuckles sheeplishly rubbing her neck." I...hate working out.I was in a yoga class but after -",she trails off looking at me indicating me.

"After me happened?", she nods.Something dawns on me and I canot help but kiss her soft lips." I am the most horrible thing that happened to you, ain't I?",I tug her hair behind her ear fixing her strap.

I smile at her somehow feeling intense pain in my heart.I ruined her life.I don't know why I decided to give in my father's bickering and his insisting I marry a girl he randomly found.Just for his happiness and to get out of his constant nagging in my ear about it.

I never wanted her in my bed,in public or in my pain.Nor did I ever wanted her in my heart.Yet she is everywhere around me.

A young girl like her doesn't belong with someone as broken as me.She needs to live her life,get a degree,get a job,chose her options and find the suitable man for her.Not just get thrusted into a life she didn't ask for.

I hope,I die before I become her burden.I hope,my breathing stops before I stop her from getting her freedom.She deserves so much more than me.

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