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am mentally trying to re-think the few moments before the meeting.Sadah met dad,she greeted dad with a formal 'nice to meet you,sir'. Dad smiles at her warmly and she forced a smile before something falshed in both of their eyes and now Sadah is taking careful bites of her food while her hand is shaking?

"Are you overwhlemed by the guests?", I whisper to her." No.I am fine.",she says softly...too softly. The guests who were eager to meet Sadah was few of dad's friends who were all nice gentlemen who were polite enough. Sadah flash few forced smiels before I called in a night.

As we are walking up the stairs,Sadah is too slow but as soon as I close the door behind me she flinches. "What is wrong?", I ask her." Nothing.",she wipes her hands, her forhead with a tissue in a cold temperature room.

"Sadah,I am asking you something.", I demand to know." And I am not your servant who would speak when told to.",snaps.

"As your hsuband", she throws me a glare." Ok,as your roommate for the aost seven days would you tell me for the love of god what happened.",I ask her desperately shaking her shoulder.

"Your dad...he is a.... .man....nice,gentle. I mean he is a nice gentleman.",she slutters before running inside the bathroom.

" Hey,wait listen to me!",I snap. "Sorry,I have to pee.", she yells after  she runs inside the bathroom. "What did she mean by.... man...nice....gentle.Man, nice,gentle.She clearly didn't said everything she was about to say.Wait,did she slept with my.... dad?He was gentle or something...wait,what?What am I thinking?!", I whisper to myself gripping my head in disbelife.

I wait on the sofa for her to come out so I can possibily bring out something or anything from her mouth.Somewhere along the way I fell asleep.The next day I am jolted awake by a series of knocks on the door.

My eyes jolts open to find Sadah on the bed. The knocks on the door continous as I hear George yelling outside," Young Master!If you do not wake up you will miss the ship!",he says in his english accent.

"Coming,George.You can go now.", I yell back and the knocks stop immediately." Sadah,wake up.We have to go.",I shake her a little because in no way she is waking up easily if her sleep survived George's banging on the door.

"Hmm.Five minutes.I am waking up.", she murmurs in her sleep and it has to be the most cutest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life." Sadah,wake up!",I shake her shoulders more. "Fine,fine!I am awake!Geez!", the monster growls as it wakes up.

My eyes drops to her chest. I gulp looking away quickly. God,I doing this right now.I just woke up.

" What are you doing now?Move.",she snaps at me with the most rudest tone I have ever heard from her.I glare at her attitude as she removes her duvet.
God...what the hell is she wearing?

My jaw drops open as Sadah freely climbs down the bed and gets her glasses."What?!",she snaps at my frozen state.She looks down herself before blushing a deep shade of red and sprinting towards the closet.

I did my morning routine and by the time I had to use the closet Sadah was in the bedroom wearing the robe. She said nothing as she got ready.I picked her the dress appropriate for the trip and the minimal jewelries.

Sadah muttered a thanks as she saw the dress laying on the closet while I was walking out.She removed her hair from her shoulder and my eyes zones on her neck...a bright red mark on her neck. What is...going on?

Is it a hickey!I grab her shoulder examining."Kingstone!Get off me!",she shirkes as horror filels her eyes as the possibility of her secret coming out probably sinked in her big shell fish brain.

"Is there a hickey on your neck?!", I look at her in disbelife. " No!What are you talking about!",she says feigning innocence since her face morphed more shock than disbelife.

"What is going on then!Why were you wearing a fucking nightie, then?", I yell at her hitting the cupboard near her as I pin her to the nearest wall.

"What!Is that an nightie?I swear to god,I didn't know that!

It was all it had.It either had long dresses or short dresses like these ones which one could probably sleep in with pajama shorts.

Why would I sleep with anyone?Aaron, what are you saying?",she says, her tone turning heavier as fear and terror filled her eyes as she gulped in fear.

" If you are not lying than why are you so afraid?If you have nothing to be afraid of than why are you so terrified!Huh!WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF ME!",I shake her shoulder glaring down at her.

She bursts into tears."Aaron,it's is nothing...I -",I squeeze her throat in a tight grip pinning her to wall." me.Got that!",I growl squeezing the air out of her.

"Aaron,I am not lying for god's sake!I AM TELLING THE TRUTH,GODDAMMIT.Who would I sleep with if I know none but you in this whole entire country!I am not a fucking slut!I am eighteen,for god's sake!", she screams with fire blazing in her eyes as angry tears flowed down her eyes, her nose flaring to get enough oxygen and air as her eyes falshed nothing but anger,regret,fear and absolutely nothing else.No lying.

A ball of emotions forms in my throat as I let go of her throat realizing ny mistake...I lost control....again.I look down my hands since they are still shaking. Sadah is breathing heavily,her eyes filled with tears as she slipped down the wall." Sadah.",I grip her waist in horror looking down her throat which has bright red marks on them.

"Sadah,I am so sorry....darling.Sadah,I....please forgive me.", my voice shakes as I speak. I trail my finger on her red throat, she flinches as her cries filles the closet.

She curls up in a ball as tears streaming down her face." Darling,I am so sorry.Sadah,pelase forgive me.I-",I try to touch her, she shoves my hand off me, my balance somehow goes nuts as I fall on my hip.

Sadah gets up quickly."It was my fault to think you are not like other men.I thought I could trust you.

And thanks for making me realize my stupid mistake!",she growls, her eyes blazing with anger.

She unties the laces of her robe."See these!These are my  allergy reactions because guess what!I am allergic to cold and this weather is nothing but cold!

And the dresses!You should have told your staff to put t-shirts there isntead of nighties, Aaron!",her voice gets louder as she speaks standing infront of me.

"And mark my words!I am not a slut!Next time,you come screaming and killing me with that accusation let you remind you!

I am an eighteennyear old married to an older man like you who barely stays home and works his ass off on nights as well.

Getting a lover is not even a taks for me!But guess what?

I am not a slut or a sex worker.!", she says calmly before looking at me straight in the eyes.

" a. slut. ever. again.

It will not even take me few seconds to take my own life before I even get that accusation ever again in my entire life.",with that she leaves the closet and locks herself up in the bathroom.

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