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I wake up feeling exhausted yet comfoortable.I open my eyes and my entire body freezes seeing an unknown white room with golden details.

I sit up quickly.I hear noises and look beside me to find Aaron working on his laptop sitting dnagerously close to me.

"Where am I?", I ask looking down myself to find myself in my t-shirt and pajama pants I wore when I went to sleep last night.

" In a plane.We are going to London.I told you.The plans changed.We have to reach there today and leave for italy in a week.",he says to me.

"You said I could start college in a few days.And I clearly declined to go to London. And who did I come here?And is airplanes supposed to look like a freaking bedroom!", I ask in disbelife feeling my head going dizzy.

"I said you would get your acceptance lettter in a few days.It is my private jet.", he simply answers nonchantly going back to his work.

I take a deep breath leaning against the wall or should I say an airplane wall.I look out of the window and find we are actually on air." How rich are you?",I ask closing my eyes to take a deep breath.

"Millionaire?Self-made or daddy's money?", I ask.

" Billionaire. Self made but had daddy's money didn't need to use it.",he answers.I nod with a thumbs up at him.

"Do I want to know who carried me here?", I ask him. " Can you pelase shut up?I am trying to work?",he says to me with a stern glare.

"Fine with me.", I roll my eyes at him." I will just sleep in my first flight ever in my entire life, I guess.",I shrug going back to sleep.After sleeping in the same room.for seven days straight he never once tried anything with me,never looked at me the wrong way or tried anything.

He is like a wooden log.A walking,breathing log who loves to ignore my presence and answer just the questions I ask or not reply to anything.

He is a plastic I guess. I don't fear him unlike the first night when I could barely sleep in fear.I wonder how old he is.Do I care?No.Do I want to know? Yes!

I sleep for what seemed like an enternity."Next time,you decide to sleep this much, you better pay me for carrying you.",I hear an irritated murmur in my sleep. I open my eyes to find myself sleeping in a car, my head on a pillow, my legs curled up to my chest with Aaron sitting beside my legs and working on his laptop.

"Did you just told me to pay you for carrying me?", I ask him yawning as I sit up."Yes.", he says nonchantly as I look outside looking at the beautiful view of the London city's night.

The lights are so..... beautiful." Do you have your ri-",I shove my hand on his face before he could ask me the same question.He shuts up quickly.

The drive ends up in a small hill with a gigantic mansion on top.I am in awe as the car drives in the endless driveway with beautiful tall trees.

I step out of the mansion and realize I am in my pajama, t-shirt with a stinky mouth and looking like a homeless girl. Now....I want to just go home, brush my teeth and wear a nice dress before coming here.

"You should have woken me up. I should have got ready.", I told Aaron." Well,guess what.I did.And your response was and I quote-'I already look like a fucking princess,bitch'.",he air quotes.

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