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"Hey,Sadah.", I look up to find Priya." Yes?",I ask her. She gives me an purple invitation card."We are having a party at my house tonight.And you are invited!There will be boozed,music and boys.Make sure to join!",Priya grins at me. "Oh,these are for you four.", she shoves the invitation cards to William,Taylor,Alice and Maggie.

"Thank you.", I tell her managing a smile.She goes away." Well,she looks excited to have you in the house.Only if your husband lets you.",Alice scoffs.

"My husband is not my master.", I remind her harshly. I am not in mood for itty bitty jealousy.I went to sleep asking for divorce,woke up to find a sleeping husband, kept my wedding ring by his night stand and came to school.I already got many things going on, she doesn't need to remind me more of my dramas.

I walk out of the school going towards the car.I look at a red headed woman leaning against my car with her glasses on.She is as tall as my husband with perfect curves and red lipstick plastered on her pale skin with red hair parted in between.

" I think,you are leaning against my car.",I remind her harshly.She was looking at the school gate.She looks at me startled.She quickly removed her shade."Oh,sorry.I was just waiting for you.",she tells me.She looks beautiful in her emerald green cone dress.

I frown at her."Oops,I mean I was waiting for Aaron's wife.",she tells me."Well,today I am not feeling well enough to play his wife.So, you have to excuse me.",I said looking nearly homeless in my oversized t-shirt and pants with a messy braid.

She smiles at me with a different kind fo sadness in her eyes."I am Katherine.Victor's wife.",she tells me."Yes,the russian accent gave it away.",I said but still slightly shocked."I want to apologize for my husband's work...he.. can be unreasonable sometime.",she tells me.

I look at her."I don't need your apologize.Your or your husband's.None of it will return my child in my womb.

I am sorry for your loss. I am.kind enough to forgive not forget.",Trevour oepns the door for me and I get inside ignoring her fallen face.

"Trevour,please drive me to an airport.", I tell him and he drives me to the nearby airport.I walk out of the car and my greatest cage stands infront of me.

" Trevour never called you.",I said in disbelife."I have eyes everywhere.",Aaron says to me and takes my hands."Let's go.We are going somewhere for a few days.",he tells me.
"No,I don't want to go anywhere with you.", I yank my hand and in the process I kind of punch him in the stomach unintentionally.He winces.Fuck.

" I am sorry.",I murmur but get inside the car as a feeling of guilt took over.He is still injured and I was so selfish dying in my own grieve.It was his child too but I cannot help but hate him.If he never entered my life,I wouldn't go through a miscarriage.I wouldn't  have sex or get pregnant.

God,I sound stupid but I honestly don't care.Aaron sits beside me and tries to hold my hand.I slip my hand off his grip.The car stops infront of an unfamiliar mansion.
"We will be staying in this mansion for a while.", he tells me.I look around the beuatiful state.

It's modernaized and beautiful.We walk inside. " Whose mansion is this?Is this yours?",I ask him as we are infront of the mansion's main gates.

"No,it is mine,sunshine.", I hear a familiar voice who opens the door.Victor Volkov.I take a u-turn and walk straight out of the property.

"Ok,I think we need to apply soem rules on running.",I am thrown at a shoulder. I scream at top of my lungs kicking Tristan." Let me go!Let me go,you fucker!I am not entering that fucking house!Let me-",my mouth is tapped shut.

I glare at the black woman who grins at me."You are making my boyfriend deaf.",she says to me.I narrow my ehes at her and kick Tristan hard on his chest.

Tristan doesn't even flinch and shoves me in Aaron's arms.I glare at Tristan
."YOU FUCKER!",I rip the tap off my mouth screaming at him.

"Sadah,it's for our own safety.Please try to understand.", Aaron tells me trying to touch me." You know what I don't fucking care about your revenge,your justice and your all this bullshit, ok!",I snap at him.

"I don't care your fiance died,I don't care your child with her died.I don't give two shits about it!

All of YOUR wrong doing!Your sin!Your misunderstanding took away my child and I swear to god I will never forgive you for that!", I scream at him.

" Sadah,please just listen to me.",

"No!No!Don't you dare touch me!

How dare you take me here!Do I look like a beggar to you,huh!", I yell at him.

" Well,in that state you do look like a polish beggar.",Tristan's girlfriend pipes in."Well,you look like a fucking prostitue. Am I pointing that out? ",I snap at her.

" You dumb fucking bitch.",she growls at me."Oh, shut up!Before I kill you right here and now!",I snap at her."Sadah,Carol. Enough!",Aaron warns both of us."Oh,now you want to stop me!Why don't you just stitch her lips shut!",I snap at Aaron.

"Just because you lost a child doesn't give the right to act like a bitch to someone.", Carol snaps at me.I froze at her words." Me?I am acting like a bitch.Do you even know what is wrong with me?",I ask her in disbelife

My eyes wells up with tears."Some of us has bigger problems than a dead embryo.So, no.",Carol scoff.I gape at her in disbelife.

"Carol!", Tristan gasps at her words." You know what!Ypu are absolutely right.

People has bigger problems than me.But I am nit here judging you for your problems, like you are doing with mine.",I tell her.

"My fucking problems isn't messng with the whole plan,you dumb bitch.", Carol says to me angrily." Carol,that's enough!",Tristan holds her back.

"Fine!Then don't make me one.I am NOT a part of your plan!", I burst into tears.

" See,now.Water works.Fucking crocodile tears.",I hear Carol scoffing." Sadah.",Aaron tries to hold me.

He looks down at me.His face unreadable.'I am a seventeen year old with a husband who is out of revenge and rules the mafia,oh!And a death body thrown right off my womb and people want to me to act normal!

NO!I AM NOT FUCKING NORMAL!DOES NONE GET IT!',I wanted to scream to yell but the next thing I did was the best thing I know.I ran to the car."Trevour,please drive me far away from here.Please.",I burst into tears in the car.

Trevour steps on the pedal and the car speeds up.I look out the window.Who am I running from?What I am running from?The truth?Am I really overreacting?

I don't know.I don't care.I look out of the car leaning against the seat as Trevour drives us in an abandoned road.It starts raining.I have heard that it rains in London so much during September.

I look at the beautiful rain and open the window.The rain starts to come inside and wets my dress.I don't know if it was the rain or my tears that soaked my clothes but the air was soothing.

I love the rain,the darkness.It reminds me of myself.Nothing.Just like me. Just how hollow I am.I feel tears rolling dow my eyes.

Every moment spent with Aaron flashes infront of my eyes,the pound of flesh in the hospital,the way Victor shamlessly admitted of killing my baby,Carol's words everything rinsg in my ear.I close my eyes leaning agains the seat.

Who do I have in this world except emptiness...I am so tired.Can I never have my happy ending?

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