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Two months later


I bite my lower lip trying to reach my foot."What are you doing?",Aaron smiles at me in amusment."I am trying to fucking bend.",I feel a kick in my belly.I sigh."Yes,yes,buddy.We all are trying to bend.",I patt my now watermelon sized bump.

"Let me help you.", Aaron quickly ties my laces." Ugh,I feel like a whale.",I groan as Aaron helps me to stand up.

"I think you are more like an orca them a whale.", he tells me." I cannot kill people like orca.",I give him a pointed look."Really?I wonder how Diana died.",I forze hearing him say that.

I look at him accusingly."You knew the whole time.",I accuse him.Oh, how naive my husband played when police found her death body floating somewhere in a river.How naive he palyed infront of the pomice and refused to talk to me about it.

He chuckles but doesn't say anything.I look at Treviur who is listening to us.He shots me a quick grin before striaghetning upm"It wasn't me.It was someonelse.",I tell him as we walk down our plane in Texas.

"A monster."
"When will I meet her?",he asks me as we walk inside the car." You will never meet her.",I frown at him."Why?",he asks amused.I am nit amused.You are not amused whem you are struggling with back pain in an hour long drive.

"Aaron,my back is killing me.", I groan trying the fix the pillows in our car. " You will be fine when we get to the state.",mom tells me from the backseat whiel Aaron drives.

"Well,I am not fine,right now.", I groan and put my legs on Aaron's lap.Much better. " Your aunty will faint if she sees you putting your legs on your husband.",mom says amused.

"I will put them down before she notices.", I wave her off. It is Aaron's forst time ever visiting my hometown more like dad's hometown in Texas.

I wonder how will all react to him.

But soon I realize I was worrying for nothing when I found how happy, cheerful everyone was meeting us.

In the evening, when all of my cousins gathers around forgetting all our inner problems and arguments,I am suddenly at the center of attention.
"Let's play cards!", I offer and everyone agrees surprising me.

The boys who are the most expert in cards, Marie, Juban,Aaron,brother-in-law Harris sits in a round circle while others are are the spectators.I lean over Harris shoulder. Harris and I used to have an unbreakable bond I guess the right on him still stayed with me as a sister.

The most amusing part is even the oldest of my cousins are at the age of Aaron,the ones who are five to the years older than me are younger than him and the ones of my age is... fifteen years younger than him.

It is hilarious to watch him trying to blend in." You could have joined in.",Harris tells me.

"I am fine.", I shrug." You can play?",Aaron asks surprised.I smirk."Better than you."
"I don't belive you.", he waves me off." Harris,cards.",I order. Harris salutes me and hands me the cards.I look at him smirking and grab the cards in a better fan shape than him.

"Show off.", he scoffs playfully." Oh,just wait.

You will lose. ",Harris patts Aaron sadly.A new kind of amusement and determintation fills his eyes.

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