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Sadah sniffles in her sleep.I look down her. My heart feels tightened.How can a human be so naive?My love how can you be so naive?I kiss her flushed cheek.We are naked yet nothing but sweet words were speaken between us.

It's heart wrenching to hear her cry,her chanting of  never leaving her.I sigh holding my baby tightly.I can never get enough of her, can I?"Sadah,are you awake?Oh my god!",Sadah's mom gasps leaving as quickly as she came inside.Fuck.

I look down Sadah to find her still asleep from all that exhaustion last night.I gently lift Sadah up untangling myself from her.Sadah stirs but doesn't wake up.I put a pillow beside her which she hugs in a bone crushing hug. I shake my ehad in amusement.I wear my boxers and trousers quickly wearing the pajama shirt Sadah discarded.

I take a shower and run outside. I walk downstairs and find Sadah's mom looking at the wall in shock.
She seems me coming down the stairs.Her cheeks immediately heats up but she goes back acting normal leaning against the sofa as she looks at the television which is open.

I walk to her and seat beside her on the love seat."Do you know what her favourite breakfast food is?",I ask her and she looks at me confused before nodding."But she shouldn't eat it.She has PCOD",she tells me.

"Yes,I know that.We went to a gynocologist few days ago.", I shrug." Gynocologist!Why?",her mom asks me  suspiciously."For routine check up.",I said dumbfoundly.

"What routine check up?", she asks me more suspiciously." For PCOD.",I said nearly laughing at her slightly horrifed face.She breaths in relife.

"We are not giving you a grandbaby anytime soon.", I said chuckling."You will soon enough.Every man wants a child and his wife will be compelled to do so. It's every home's story.Or it could be an accident baby.", Jennie says to me scoffing slightly.

"My wife isn't compelled to do shit.And I don't want a child till she wants it.", I tell her, our eyes glued to television still looking at a random channel just to avoid eye contact.

" The way things are going she isn't far from wanting it.",Jennie syas dryly.Now,my cheeks is heating up and I was not a virgin before my wife yet I couldn't help but feel embarassed.

"Look,it wasn't as it looked like.", I said." My daughter wasn't on top of your chest under the sheets?It doesn't matter if you were clothed.It still doesn't cut the scene.",she says.

"Clothed?We were not clothed.We were naked and -", I shut my mouth realizing what I just said.Shit!

" What!You two were what!",she asks in disbelife."Don't act surprised.We are literally married.",I said dumbfounded at her words."Well,I am sorry I didn't expect my seventeen year old daughter to sleep with her fiften year older husband.",she snaps.

"We do more than just sleeping nak-", I slap my hand on my mouth.Shit what am I saying!

I look at her to find her looking at me in disbelife." Look,I am so sorry I am saying such vulgar words.Do you want breakfast? I can make you whatever you want.",I tell her honestly.

"Get me a bottle of poison.", she says to me gritting her teeth." That can be arranged.Or I can make you an amazing tasty breakfast.",I told her and turn my back to leave.

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