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I take a bite of the chocolate cake and glance at my husband who is busy talking with other busniessmen.I am not feeling to socialize today.More tired than ever.So I am busy eating my chocolate cake while he is laughing and talking.

He moves to a corner of the room.My jaw tightens seeing him holding a cigar and one of the man light it up giving him.Aaron smirks taking a deep puff of the cigar.So,he is a smoker?Good luck,sleeping outside.

Those cancer striking lips aren't meetings mine."Keeping eyes on your husband?",Rue stands beside me on the buffet table.

"He is not sleeping on the bed tonight.",I shrug." Hate cigars?",Rue has a disgusting smelled drink on his hand."What is that?",I ask frowning."Ever smelt whiskey?Oh I forgot you are a kid.",he smirks teasing me.

"Well,I am sorry I am not drinking that even when I am an 'adult'.

And yes,I hate cigars.I don't even walk  on the same footpath where they smoke a cigar.Let alone have a smoker husband.", I tell him.

" You look dashing in that suit.",I said frowning at him.Because he looked really good.I eye him up and down."Damn.You look good.Why don't you have a date tonight?",I ask him."He is my date.",Rue points at Aaron."Oh,that is also true.",I shrug because they are a couple more than we are.
Where there is Aaron, there is Rue.

His eyes catches someone's eyes. I glance behind me and find a beautiful red head."I should probably go to Aaron.He might need me.",he says giving me a smile."Yeah,he definitly needs you to talk with that red head.",I smirk at him smugly."Whatever,kiddo.",he scoffs playfully but rushes quickly towards the girl.

I chuckle at his rushed footsteps as he knocks off a waiter on his way apologizing quickly.I glance at Aaron and my eyes widens seeing them open a bottle of liqur.He drinks,too!

He drinks and smokes?And the way he is gulping down glasses after glasses laughing with the men with cigars in his hand doesn't look like he is only a social drinker or a new bee.

How am I kidding.He has been in this world fifteen years longer than me, of course he has some experiences but that much?Who drinks nealry and entire bottle of liquor and snaps his fingers at the waiter for more?
A drunkard who else?

"You will shatter the glass if you keep squeezing it so tightly.",a man with a deep russian accent says to me.I look up and meet icy blueish grey eyes looking at me.

A foul smell coming from his mouth."Is it your glass?", I ask him innocently." No.No.I trade weapons not glasses.",he says smirking."Then you shouldn't be concerned about the glass then.",I deadpan dropping my grape juice glass down.

"You have a smart mouth.", he gritts out."You are telling me as if I don't know that.",I smile at him sarcastically. I am already annoyed with one man don't need another bugging me.

" Why?Your husband tells you that?",he asks me smirking.I don't answer and ignore his existence."I am talking with you.",he gritts out.I feel slightly guilty and awkward.God,I am judging him and being annoyed for no apparent reason."Huh?Oh,yes.I am sorry.I wasn't focuesed. What did you just say?",I ask him innocently.

He looks at me straight in the eyes for two whole seconds before the pink lushful lips of his curles up in one corner."By the way what is your name?",I ask him curiously because I want to bitch about him with my husband(when he is sober and grovelled).

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