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"You should be the one laying down here.", I tell my anxious husband who is hovering over the doctors ad nurses  ready to slit their throats by his face expression since they are taking so long." Shut up.",he says to me but his sfcae shows he is dying with concern.Concern for whom?Me?For what?A cursed bride?A bride who cannot give me wealth,happiness and now even took his own hospital bed.

He looks cute in that hospital gown by the way.I look at my cute husband having nwohere else to look since I feel like I am literally peeing nonstop and my stomach is growling with pain.It feels weird having one doctor looking at your vagina while three nurses hovers around which could be a period too.

I look at them.surprised as a wardboy wheels a Altrasound tech in. More people...great!"I am not liking all these people.",I said as another doctor joins in.

"You might be dead if you people starts living this room.",the male doctor says and I realize he was the older doctor earlier who was checking Aaron's wound.He is a middle aged doctor with a beard and  grey hair on top of his head with spectacles on his eyes.

" What is going on Grayson?",Aaron asks the doctor."I would really love it if you shut the doors.",I tell at the nurses and she quickly closes it.

"She is having a vaginal bleed.Her vitals are going down due to a loss of blood and....we have to remove the fetus by surgery.", The female doctor tells the male doctor.

" What!What do you mean?",Aaron snaps at them. My world comes crashing down within seconds.I don't know how to feel and my not feeling anything scares me.My heart suddenly feels so hollow.I wnat to throw up so badly.

"It means she was pregnant.", Grayson tells Aaron." Was?",Aaron's voice shakes as he says so.His hold on my hand tightns, mine only loosens."She is miscarrying.We have to remove the fetus or else it might cause infection.",
Grayson says to Aaron worry laced in his tone.

They talk back and forth more.I feel numb...their words don't even reach my ears. I feel so numb.I am rushed inside a operation room.Within an hour I feel hands pulling down something inside me, something attached to my body. It's so painful...physically and mentally.

The small curled up limbs is carried by the nurse to a small steel plate.My heart skips a beat seeing it's small hands,small bump on a round alike tisse similiar to a nose,the two red dots alike eyes, a long cord still attached to it.

Within few minutes I am cleaned down there,rolled out on a wheelchair to the place to change into fresh clothes.Which clothes?My clothes are soaked in blood."Change into your clothes.Call me if you need me.",the nurse patts my shoulder.I look up to find a partition curtain and look down to find fresh clothes laid down.

My husband has it all planned out, doesn't he?I wear the lose yellow maxi dress.I wear the fresh undewear that smells like home.I hear Aaron's voice outside.I walk out of the curtain and find him talking wuth the lady doctor.

"I told you to wait for me.", the nurse tries to help me.I don't need help.I push her hand off me.Aaron's eyes snaps to me.He is now in a black button up shirt and beige pants.He still has that stupid beard,that stupid worried look.

" Sadah-",he rushes towards me.I hold up my hand to stop him.I walk up beside him and sit beside him."What caused it?The miscarriage?",I ask the doctor. She looks slightky taken back hearing my normal voice void of any emotion. I am surprised too.

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