Chapter 6- Many POVs

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Lachlan's POV

Boy, did we fuck up. One minute I have a life, an apartment and a nice job. Next thing I know, I'm in a shitty apartment with my single, small suit case in front of a broken down hotel. Behind me is Vik, Choco, Preston, Rob, and Mat. Brandon is standing in front of us.

"Ready?" He says is a shaky voice. We nod and he unlocks the door and opens it. The apartment is small with five beds on the floor. The floor is wood, but chipped and cracked EVERYWHERE;the beds are old and look terrible. I see all the beds are empty, except for the one in the corner, where Kenny is lying smoking out of a pipe.

"Kenny, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at some family thing? That's what you told Tyler." Brandon says. Kenny laughs, puts the pipe down and walks over.

"Actually I went to the doc today." Choco sighs.

"Why Ken?" Kenny just shrugs at Choco's statement.

"I wasn't feeling good. Turns out I tested positive for syphilis." He walks over and gives Choco a quick kiss.

"They gave me the medicine, but I'll be out of work for a few weeks. Why are they-" he points to us. "Here?"

"Tyler got them put in our situation because the found out ours. Look at the three new  workers. Now give me the pipe Ken. It's been a rough night." Brandon says. Kenny passes Brandon the pipe and Brandon falls on what I assume is his bed. He opens a jar of god know what, packs the pipe and takes a hit. After a couple minutes, we realize what he's smoking. It's pot.

"Guys, you want any?" They all walk over and sit on the bed, leaving us standing by the door.

"You three too. Come share. You'll need it if you want to live through tomorrow." Vik says. I decide to walk over and am followed by Mat and Robbie. I sit beside Vik, Mat sits beside Brandon and Rob sits beside Preston. 

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Mat's POV

I sit down beside Brandon who passes the pipe, lighter and container off to Kenny. I move closer to Brandon and he whispers something in my ear.

"Can I sit on your lap again?" I nod and he climbs on, nuzzling my neck. After a couple minutes, I see Rob pass me the pipe. Admitting, I did this once in high school, it's been a long time. 

"Do you even know how to use a pipe?" I shake my head and Brandon laughs.  He straddles my waist and turns to face me. 

"Here, I'll help you. This part is the choke, you put your thumb on that to stimulate a gust of air to push the smoke in the chamber of your pipe into your lungs. So put your thumb on that and I'll light it." I bring the pipe to my lips and put my thumb on the hole. The smoke burns my throat but feels oddly satisfying. Brandon pulls the pipe away and I breathe out. That shit was strong enough to make me cough like my lungs are gonna come out my chest. The other guys, minus Brandon, laugh. He starts to pack his hit, pulling a dart from his pocket and putting more tobacco than pot into the pipe. 

"Dude, not so much. You wanna kill yourself?" Kenny says. Brandon glares at him. 

"I'm the one who has another debt session with Tyler tomorrow, so shut up!" Brandon snaps and takes his strong hit and blowing it at the ceiling. He passes off the pipe to Kenny and cuddles against me. 

"Sorry dude." Kenny shuts up and packs his hit. I ask Brandon if he'll talk to me outside and he nods. We walk out, I stand in front of him and I look him in the eye.

"What do you mean "debt session" " I say, making the quotation marks. 

"He gives me extra money for sexual favours."

"You fuck him?" He looks down and slowly nods. 

"Why Brandon?"

"I fuck him for money. We needed some extra money cause we get paid by how many dances we give or what people think. When we don't do as good or business is slow, we don't get paid. We need money so when stuff gets slow, I let him fuck me. I'm not proud of it but its what I have to do. None of those guys deserve that so I'll do it if it means keeping then from hurting." He looks up and has tears in his eyes, but, instead of hugging him, I shove him against the wall, and pin his hands above his head. 

"I don't want you doing that again. Understand? You are amazing and you don't deserve the hurt. Because, I'm in love with you. Your perfect in my eyes an I hate seeing you hurt. I noticed before, I saw the hurt but when I'd ask about it, you wouldn't tell me. Now I know you don't want to, and I doubt you love me back, but I love you and I want to kiss you. Now can I?" He looks up at me. Fuck, I can't believe that I just said that. 

"Can you what?" He breathes in a shallow, shaky breath as he speaks. 

"Can I kiss you?" I come closer to him and cup his face with my hands. 

"It would hurt me if you didn't." I smile and lean down, pressing my lips to his soft lips. His perfect, soft lips lock with mine like a perfect puzzle piece. It's destiny, I know it. My lovely Brandon.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Preston's POV

Mat and Brandon have been gone a while so we stop smoking Brandon's weed and I grab a cigarette. But as I put it in my mouth, Rob grabs it. 

"Rob, don't you dare." He lights it, with his own lighter, takes a puff and passes it back.

"Oh sorry Rob. I thought you were gonna not let me smoke." He shrugs.

"To be honest, I used to smoke and I stopped. But why not just do it again?"

By now Vik and Lachlan are on Vik's bed talking and Choco and Kenny are making out on Kenny's bed with Kenny on top.

"Because it isn't healthy Rob." He shrugs again, takes another puff and leans in. I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he blew a little smoke in my face, I open my mouth and the hot, burning of the smoke filled my lungs. I started to pull away but Rob had other plans. He grabbed my head and pulled me in, kissing me hard. He breathed a little of the smoke in and it came out both our noses.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

Vik's POV

Lachlan and I are lying on my bed,facing each other. Behind me is Tyler and Choco making out and behind Lachlan is Rob and Preston smoking some of Preston's cigarettes.

I stare at Lachlan, his pretty blond hair and dazzling blue eyes. I really do love him.

"I love you too." He whispers and I gasp.

"I-I said that out loud?!" I whisper-yell. He nods and runs his fingers through my hair.

"But I love you too." He leans in and kisses me. It's a short kiss, but an amazing kiss that I wish would last forever.

"Roll over. I want to be your big spoon, my baby." I do as told, to see Tyler and Choco fast asleep. I feel Lachlan wrap his body around mine, being he is much taller. He's so warm, amazing, and all mine. Slowly, I drift to sleep. (My boyfriend does this to me and it's so amazing!) 

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

(A/N- Hey guys!! Long time no see, eh? Sorry guys, I'm not doing too well in school but I do have a couple things to say. I'm posting a new one-shot book tonight called *Welcome to the One- Shot Realm*! I'm post a one-shot tonight and probably one tomorrow. Can you guys tell by the theme of this chapter that I really want some smokes. Oh... wait. I probably shouldn't say that XD. Sorry. I love you guys very much and this is one of a few chapters for tonight. I love you all, SIlvv OUT!!!)

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