"I'm scared"

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World: FTO
Time: Drunk Ritchie
Trigger Warnings: Abuse, Substance abuse, Drunk person.
If these bother you then don't read, stay safe.

Inmo pov
I was walking around the guild hall, trying to find Kit or Mario, only to be empty handed. I then heard some noises in the bar area, so I went in there. Only to see sir Ritchie with a mug of liquid in it, he seemed sad, or annoyed, I never understood humans and their emotions. I still don't. I walked up to him and tried asking him something, only to have him scream at me about how useless I am.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO USELESS SOMETIMES?!" He screamed, clearly angered, when I never did anything. "I'm sorry.." I answered, I didn't know how to answer to what he said, i then felt a pain in my being. Lightning. He glared at me, he then threw the mug at me, he screamed more and more, "You are useless." He said one last time, he walked off, stumbling. I felt around, feeling what I assumed was my blood, I felt pain, and I felt like crying. I soon noticed there was more bottles than just the one he drank, I sighed and cleaned up after him.

"Inmo, are you listening?" I heard Kit ask, she been asking if she should go see Ritchie, I shook my head, she sighed and left. I walked to Ritchie, watching as he drank more beer, bottle after bottle. I tried to touch them, only to have him grip my wrist, and throw me against the wall, making me cough, he glared at me. Fear. Fear is all I've ever felt when around him these past weeks. I tried many different approaches, the results are always the same, and I always had bruises in my arms, Mario asked who did this to me, I didn't answer. Not wanting Ritchie to be harmed in anyway.

"Inmo, what did they do to you?" Mario had asked me once, I shrugged, blood was spewing out of my mouth, bruises on my body. Mario had hugged me and I heard him sniffle, he cried, for me. Why? Why was he crying for me? This is the punishment for being useless, is it not? Maybe I'm wrong, not the first time. Mario took me to the infirmary, to heal me up. Kit had tried staying next to me, but would leave if I had asked her to. Ritchie seemingly got worse. I might- no. I will die today.

Tapio is dead, sadly. I thought he would target me and kill me right then and there. Oh well, everyone was packed and ready to go, David and Lucas were told what happened to me through Mario, they asked me the same thing, "Who did this?" I only shrugged, I didn't answer. Then Ritchie came and apologized, for everything. He then looked at me, and said one thing I wished he didn't, it only got him in more trouble with Kit, "Inmo, I'm sorry for, hurting you, when I was drunk." I saw the look on everyone's faces, Kit was pissed, Mario was shocked, Lucas and David were concerned, the words Kit said though, I hope she didn't mean it.

"You did this? You almost killed Inmo? Because you were drunk?! What the hell is wrong with you?! If you want to make things better, than stay distant!" She then walked off with Mario, until it was just me and him together. I looked at him, and hugged him, he started to cry. I heard it. "I feel like shit.." he whined out, his voice high pitched, he hugged me back. Seemingly to show he was truly sorry, I only shrugged and just stayed with him until he stopped crying.

Words: 633
Feelings: sad, tired
Time I wrote this: 12:59
Extra words: 647

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