■You didnt deserve that■

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World: Origins of Olympus
Character: Mitch, Inmo
Trigger Warnings: ☠ Death ☠
I'm sorry for not posting♤

Mitch POV

I should've done more, I should've stayed by your side, I should've took you with me, but I didn't. Your dead, and I'm still here. I knew what you thought of me, you thought prideful and joyful thoughts about me, and I wish I told you about all my problems sooner. I just can't believe your gone. I still don't believe it. Yet, here you are. Infront of me, as a statue. Dead.

'Here lies Inmo, a friend, a brother, an ally, and a warrior,

He was my friend, I loved him. I wished he didn't go, I should've protected him. "I'm sorry.." I started to tear up, I took off my crown, tears spewing out now. "You didn't deserve that.." I put my crown back on, and stopped the tears. I soon walked away, remembering all the times I could've said 'I love you' to him. I can't do that now. I wished I said that sooner, but now i cant say it at all.

No one's POV
Little did Mitch know, someone watched him from afar. A dark, sinister man. Who's only goal is to eat and bring his love back. "Too bad my dear is dead here too." He chuckled, before smiling. "If I can find that 'goody two shoes', I can hopefully get my dear back!" "I told you he was here." "Fishlegs, we have a meeting to go to, or did you forget?" Two voices said, other dark and sinister voices. "Let's hurry, before 'Mitch' gets us in trouble." The sinister- sorry, the dark version of Mitch flinched when he heard his name, he turned around, anger spewing from his voice. "What did I say about calling me that?!" He screamed. "That only 'your dear' can call you that." The tall man said, sticking his tongue out. The 'evil' Mitch nodded and started to walk away, and so did the other two. Back to their boss.

♤ This is so.ething new, and yes, I'm an Inmo x Mitch shipper♤
Feelings: weird
Time: 8:26 PM


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