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World: FTO
Characters: Main Divinous Magia members
Trigger Warnings: Death ☠, Drunk character, trapped character

Inmo POV
The more I think about it, the more I realize, Sir Ritchie was never a bad person, I think he just misses someone, Flurry I think her name was? He keeps mumbling her name whenever he comes to see me, even Mr. Brandon mumbles about her when he checks to see if I'm still here. I still have yet to know more about her, but I think she's a wonderful lady! From what I hear!

"I should go find her, but I have you to protect, Inmo." "You do have me to protect, maybe you should take a nap?" "I should..." Sir Ritchie fell asleep as soon as he said that, I looked up, and there was Kit and Boat! I missed them! But where was the others? I heard Sir Ritchie groan, so I gave his head a pat, then I heard Mr. Brandon scream from upstairs, "No! You can't do that!" I heard him say, he sounds distraught, I don't know why, what happened? I heard a pair of footsteps, and I was astonished to find a woman with teal hair, and a soft smile on her face, she knelt down to Ritchie and picked him up.

"I should take this one and his brother to a therapist, later." She said as she walked away, back to upstairs. No more screaming was heard after that. I was led out of my cage and saw that Kit had bits of blood on her, she hugged me, "I'm so happy you aren't dead!" She then tugged me along upstairs. Then I heard my name be called, then I awoke, and noticed the smell of blood and beer were in the room, I looked around and found Ritchie next to a dead Kit and Boat, I turned around and found Mr. Brandon punching Mario as David laid there, weird. I then felt Sir Ritchie pick me up, and hold me, I looked and saw Kit, on the floor, I then looked to where Mr. Brandon was, and watched as he stumbled, bit continued on walking to us, he then took his cloak off and placed it on me, mumbling, "I'm so glad they didn't hurt you, Inmo.." They took me back to my cage and placed me in there for a while until they took me to their room, where I found a tied up woman and a little kid, Sir Ritchie walked to the woman, saying how much je missed her, and how much love he'll give to their son, Oakley. I then saw Mr. Brandon wash off the blood off his hands, I was then tucked in and the woman and child were taken to a different room, Flurry, did Mr. Brandon find her, or did Sir Ritchie? I didn't have time to ask as I fell asleep, and dreamt of actually being free, alongside the woman and her child.

Words: 498
Feeling: I was gonna make this happy, but I didn't, my thoughts won..
Time I wrote this: 🕖

Why I put Flurry in: I didn't want to use Devin, sorry

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