°Im not him°

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World: FTO
Character(s): Divinous magia
Trigger warnings: havent spotted any.

Inmo POV
What they say, all smiles they say. It doesn't seem like that with Inmo. Not when someone he doesn't know decides to kill him. And not when he came back as a half-demon freak. Disappointment was in his being, it was his new nature. Horrible. He hated how he had to act stupid for this dumb guild. He loved it. He loved acting like he was stupid and weird so people willingly leave him alone. He watched as the others talked, he knew what they were talking about, he just liked eavesdropping because they all believe he's too stupid to understand, he may be stupid now, but now he's an idiot without a purpose. His purpose? Find Banjo. Failed.

"Inmo, are you okay?" 'Sir Ritchie' asked. I looked at him and nodded, trying to act stupid like usual, but I soon realized why they were all looking at me. I was crying. Soon, Kit came up to me and asked if I was okay, I then answered her, I was actually stupid for this one. "I just miss my friend.." They all looked at me weird, I then realized I spoke in a hush voice. Stupid. Why was I running off, I tripped on..water? Of course, Boat, Lucas, whatever they're called, used his magic on me to stop me from running. But I needed to run. No matter the pain in my knee, I kept running. I just needed to leave. I was stupid for even believing I had a second chance. Someone like me doesn't deserve a second chance.

"Inmo, stop." I heard 'Sir Ritchie' say, I turned to look at them, they had sad looks on their faces. They're stupid. No. I'm stupid. I tried running, but of course, Mario and David worked together. I turned to look at them once more, I sighed and looked around, wanting to figure out a way out. "Inmo, what's wrong?" "Nothing, everythings fine." I tried leaving.

I gasped as I awoke, I was still on this horrid boat. I can't believe it, was it all a dream. If it was, then..why did it feel real? Why was Mr. Brandon there? Stupid.

Words: 377
Time I wrote this: 🕒
Feeling: tired

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