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World: FTO
Character(s): [past] Divinous Magia and [present] Divinous Magia
Trigger Warning(s): <I couldn't find any>

Third POV
It was weird, looking at the past, it truly was or is, weird to look at your past self with so much, pride?

'That's what I look like?'

Ritchie looked at his future self in confusion, who wouldn't. The future Ritchie had sighed and explained some things, leaving out the mean drunk moments and the drunk (on one part) sex he would often have with Inmo, that he still does do.

The past Ritchie wanted to know more, like, if Inmo was okay, or if Kit was still the happy person he knows, or if Brandone was still alive. That was the question that made Ritchie slip up on what he and Inmo do.

"We get to fuck Inmo."

Past Brandon saw his future(?) With more confusion than anything in the world. Why did he look so tired? Did something happen? Did Ritchie get hurt? Was he badly hurt?!

The future Brandon could only sigh and pat his past self on the head, he was tired. Tired of hearing Inmo's moans whenever he walks by his own room, then he has to hear Ritchie, his twin brother, groans and the skin against skin. Horrible to hear.

"Make sure Ritchie isn't alone with Inmo."

Past Ritchie was confused, what did his future self mean? Why Inmo? Was Inmo important to him in the future? Of course he must be, he wouldn't choose to have sex with Inmo if he wasn't important, right? It made no sense to him. It should make sense. Why can't he make sense of that sentence?

"What do you mean..?" "I mean, we, as in you, get to fuck Inmo." "Why are you telling me this?" "I wanted to, and besides, it'll be fine when you get to have Inmo in certain angles~!" Past Ritchie was flustered and even more confused, did he have to fuck Inmo sooner, or when he needs to? Questions, no answers.

'Common sense'

"What do you mean?" "I mean that Inmo and Ritchie fuck eachother." Brandon was beyond shocked, what did that mean?

Brandon can tell why not all lot of people liked his past self, he was slightly stupid. Guess that's its own thing though, oh well. It's not his problem.

——–Ritchie's memories——
"Inmo was always so loud, but so good as well. Especially when he does that thing with his mouth and his tail at the same time. It's magical even."
——––Present time(?)———

As Ritchie told his stories of him and Inmo, his past self could only blush as a familiar twist started to spur in his lower stomach, sorta reminding him of when Flurrette was around.

Meanwhile in the future
Inmo had sneezed, feeling like someone was talking about him, but alas, no one was. Everyone was out on missions, that would've been a good time for him and Ritchie, but Ritchie wasn't around. Sad, it truly was, for Inmo at least.

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