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♤I had this in a dream, I'm just gonna explore with it for a bit♤

World: FTO
Character(s): Inmo, Ritchie, Kit, Mario, David, Boat/Lucas, Brandon, Tapio(mention)
Trigger Warnings: blood mentioned, murder(probably?), caged prison, abandonment/trust issues(?), Alcohol(mentioned)

Inmo POV
Sir Ritchie had put me in a cage, I don't know why, but I did know that he smelled weird. He talked about how I shouldn't leave the island, and how it was dangerous. I don't think it's dangerous. "Sir Ritchie, can I get out now?" I don't hear a response "Sir Ritchie..?" I go to touch the bars, only to be shocked. I yelp. I know I did. And then I hear footsteps coming towards the cage, I look up, and there I see Sir Ritchie! "Inmo! Are you OK? I heard you yelp, where did you get hurt?" He asked so many frantic questions, how was I supposed to answer them all?

He kept asking if I was alright, until I asked my question "Why did you put me in here, in this cage..?" "Because, it's dangerous, I don't want to see you get hurt, I would be upset if that happened, I needed to keep you safe, I needed you to stay here, with me, so that you don't die!" I then watched him walk away, I feared for the worse. I then laid down and soon, fell asleep, only waking up hours later by David and Boat yelling at eachother, I looked around and saw Mario and Kit also in a cage, in fact, they were all in a cage! "Don't blame me if Ritchie goes crazy and starts a killing spree!" "I never said that, David!" I blocked out the uelling, and listened to what Kit and Mario were saying, "I don't think Ritchie would leave us in here as a punishment.." I didn't see Tapio, why? Where was he?

"Where is-" "Tapio is dead, Inmo. Ritchie killed him." Kit looked like she was about to cry, then David turned to me and asked, "How long have you been here Inmo?" "I don't know, I just know he asked me to follow him, and put me in a cage!" I said with a smile. That didn't seem to please the others. They just sighed and continued what they were doing, I soon fell asleep once again.

It's been a month and Sir Ritchie hasn't let us leave, Kit and Mario found a way to leave and Sir Ritchie has been on the hunt since, Mr. Brandon came back, and kept an eye on all of us, mostly me, he said 'My brother does this cause he cares about you' I believed him. I wish I hadn't. Because David and Boat also found a way to leave, without telling me. I'll be fine. I hope..

It's been two months since David and Boat left, they said they'll come back, I think that was something to cheer me up, I hope they come back though, Sir Ritchie has been watching me constantly, so has Mr. Brandon, it's scary sometimes.

It's been three years, three lonely years. Mr. Brandon and Sir Ritchie have been searching for the ones that left, I cant remember what they looked like, or what they sounded like. I wished I could remember, but I can't, I can only look at the door and staircase, hoping that anyone could see me. I found a pen a year ago and has been drawing on the floor for a very long time, I soon heard footsteps, a lot of footsteps. I turned and saw..David, and the others that left, I smiled brightly, I could remember them! I can't believe it! I only saw a look of fear on their faces, but Kit immediately came to the cage door, before I stopped her, my tail wrapped around her wrist, I licked my teeth and and my lips. "Don't open the door." "Inmo, we're here to help!" I only shook my head and laid back down, my tail coming back to lay next to me. I soon heard keys and a door creak open. I look over and saw Kit come near me, I looked around, hoping to see Sir Ritchie and Mr. Brandon, only to see blood on Kit and David's clothes. I knew that I started to cry, wishing that this never happened.

Words: 714
Feeling: tired and hungry
Time I wrote this: 12:00 AM - 2:00 PM

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