■My dear■

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I'm having fun◇
☆Characters: Evil! Mitch, Bookpu, Evil! Nad(love him), Inmo[from evil Mitch world]
World: Origins of Olympus :o
Trigger Warning: Cannibalism, blood, murder ☠ ☆

Evil!Mitch POV
Not even two hours later, and I start to get hungry. The other two won't mind if I choose to leave and go find someone to eat! "Stop right there, fishsticks." I groan as the dumb book calls for me. "Did you really think -that- you would leave without Book of death won't see you?" I groan louder as I hear 'Nad' talk, I hate them, and as we slowly walk back to our lair, I start to think about the times I had with Inmo. Like the time me and him shared a kiss. Well, he was already dead when we kissed, bit it was a kiss, nonetheless.

I also remember looking at his scared face as he watched me eat his brother, Colin, I think was his name. He said he hated Colin, so why wasn't he happy when I ate him? That's still a question that stays unanswered. The only reason I joined this group was because 'Lord death book' promised to bring back, my Inmo. "When can I see my dear?" "Soon, fishsticks." I hate it when he calls me that, but it's better than him calling me by name. Only Inmo can call me by name. He always did, so did everyone else, hit when Inmo said it, it was special.

I laid on my bed, remembering when Inmo and me cuddled up as we watched to stars and the moon, I loved it when we watched the night sky. I wish Inmo was still here, I shouldn't have killed him, he did nothing wrong. Inmo was killed because of my anger, but, how dare he say no?! I've been there for him, and he's been there for me! Did I read the signals wrong? No, I know Inmo loved me. He was probably just scared. Scared of what? 'Scared of you' he wasn't scared of me, he loved me. There must be another reason why!

Good!Mitch POV
I walked back on to my throne and sat down, wishing, hoping, that the gods hear my prayer. I hoped that me and Inmo would be together forever. Only to be faced with reality and figure it out, Inmo had died. Stabbed in the heart by someone he never knew nor trusted. I felt tears roll down my face, I loved Inmo, I laid my head down on my hand and fell asleep. I dreamt that me and Inmo were still together. Just us. Noone else.

I woke up by a scream of my name, and saw two orange haired brothers, anger on their faces and weapons on hand. I stood up and brought out my trident. "Hello, why are you here?" "Because Inmo is dead, and all we know is that you're not doing anything to figure out who killed him!" I knew who these two are know. Ritchie and Colin. Inmo brothers. Very protective of Inmo, as Inmo made it seem he was weak to them. Gods, I wish Inmo was still here. I couldn't even collect my thoughts before the fight had started.

☆Feelings: Hungry
Time I wrote this: 4:27 PM
Words: 549☆

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