PART - 2

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Subhman was in his room thinking about the upcoming matches soon they had to go have dinner with team and he went to dinning area and then sit with team on dinning table.

Virat came and sit beside subhman who was looking infornt their was ishan sitting with aditi Virat looked at him and then at ishan .

He said

Virat:- you okey subh

Subhman:- yes i am okey don't worry

Virat:- don't hide things subhman i know what you are thinking.

Subhman:- it's not like that we should eat

Virat :- hmm

They are in silence after that team went to garden for a walk ishan and Aditi were walking together and beside them Surya and Rohit was walking hands and hands .

And subhman and Virat were looking at them from a safe distance

Subhman was staring at ishan his eyes were stuck on him virat looked at his face and said,

Virat:- subhman you don't look like you ar fine.

Subhman:- i am fine don't worry

Virat :- you know subhi what you are feeling right now I also went through that and very welly know how much it hurts to love someone who is not our when we are not meant to be together.

He walked away to a bench nearby and say their subhman came and sat beside him and Said,

Subhman:- I didn't understand what you are trying to say bhai .

Virat :- you like ishan right


Subhman was speechless he didn't said anything and looked at virat ,

Virat :- subhi your eyes says how much you like him but the face is fate played it's game and he is with aditi and you can't do anything.
You know never love or like your bestfriend because if they don't like you back you will eventually get hurt seeing them with someone else.

Subhman:- bhai how you know this ,

Virat :- I also liked my bestfriend and now when I see him with his patner my heart broke into millions of pieces,

Subhman:- when you start liking rohit Bhai

Virat :- why you thought it's rohit and not bhuvi or jinks (ajinkya rahane )

Subhman:- bhai I saw hurt in your eyes when you saw Surya Bhai and Rohit Bhai together

Virat :- subhman i don't know when u started liking him everyone in team used to ship us together and suddenly one day I get that i love him just more then bestfriend I want him in my life not as bestfriend but as life partner.

Subhman:- why you didn't confess you love to him bhai

Virat:- i don't want to break over friendship subhi i never knew if he was interested in boys or not i am not a gay it's just I had feelings for him and I don't know if he feels same for me and i got my answer when he told me that he like Surya one of his team member from Mumbai Indians and I never had this much courage to tell him that I like him I saw his eyes shining for Surya how he always talk about him how surya's small things even matter to him and how excited he gets whenever Surya came or just by his name how big smile spread in his face .
And when he confessed his love for him and they became boyfriends i started to die each day it's not like i hate Surya no he is really a nice guy and deserve every happiness of this world and he got his happiness but somewhere in my heart it's hurt subhi it hurts .

Virat had tears in his eyes and subhman was listening carefully his eyes also had moist in it he felt bad for virat ,Virat asked,

Virat:- what about you how you feel in love with ishan .....

Subhman:- i don't know bhai i just fell for him when how where I don't know and it doesn't matter and he is with love of his life and it's better this way i guess

Virat:- it is subhi..

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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