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They both went to their room to sleep ,
Subhman laid on his bed and started to think about his life and the way it changed,

Subhman's thought,

Virat is really a nice boy but i can't get over my feelings my past i really can't i really like ishan but my silliness get over me and my fear of lossing him for forever that i never confessed my feelings to him now he is happy with aditi she is really a nice girl but why I hate her why I don't like her my feelings are being gross,
And now i started to get feeling towards virat he is my senior how can I get feeling for him I am really a sick person i should visit a doctor,

He said to himself and fell asleep,
Virat on other hand was sitting on bed thinking about how his life turned three sixty degree in just few days ,
He don't hate subhman's presence in his house he like it he don't feel lonely he have someone to talk and share things with his apartment is feeling like home to him now ,
Subhman's presence make him feel relieved he gets happy seeing subhman happy he love to see him giggling and laughing his heart out on something that makes him happy he love to see that boy and how can he forget how hot he looks his face is perfect lips are juicy eyes are like ocean cheeks are so soft like mochi ,
He just want to taste his mouth and know how it feels to kiss subhman,

He shake himself and slap slightly on his face for this thought how can he have this thought about him he is his junior and he should not feel this things towards him .

But unknowingly he fell asleep thinking about subhman,

When they woke up they went to garden together this was subhman's wish as he wants to go their when they reached subhman saw some kids playing,

And he went to them and Virat sat on a bench and watch subhman from far he saw subhman shake hands with two boys and started to play with them and the kids were enjoying his company,

His dimple smile popping on his face and toothy smile he looks so handsome and cute .

Then he saw a lady entered in garden with a small child maybe the baby is around 2 and half years old ,

He is so chubby small hands and his small cute nose doe eyes small lips chubby chicks like laddu .

The lady went towards subhman and subhman looked at her and give her a polite smile Virat was watching it he also went their subhman asked if he can hold that kid or not and that lady give her the baby to hold subhman hold her and instantly his face brighten like sun .

Virat started to talk with that lady and subhman was playing with baby then he told virat to hold the baby and Virat did he take out his phone and took their photos first he asked the lady fir permission she give it then he take their photos .

And after taking it he started to Play with baby while virat was holding it he bumped his nose with the baby and the baby laughed so loudly give him a giggling sound and subhman also laughed with him give him his sweet smile.

After that the lady took their photos with baby and also with both of them she took selfie because she was not a fan of cricket but after talking with Virat she gets to know that they are cricketers.

After they went to super market to buy groceries and they bought so many things like so many snacks specially different types of noodles and pasta because subhman wants to try it and who is Virat to refuse him ,

When they were walking between racks to buys food subhman post the photos of them with baby and also took their photos of buying groceries and post it too .

Then he put his phone down and started to tell Virat about something,

Subhman:- Virat bhai listen

Virat who was checking which cookies he should buy hummed in response,

Subhman:- bhai listen na

He nagged him cutely so virat turned towards him and said ,

Virat :- yes subhi I am listening tell me what you want say

Subhman happily started to tell him ,

Subhman:- you know i never went to super market when I was kid and then after that i never had time sometimes I Went to super market and saw lots of kids sitting in trolley 🛒 and i always wish i could also do that i also want to do that bhai ,

Virat softly brushed of the strand of his hairs from his forehead and then said,

Virat :- you are too old to do that subhi ,

Subhman:- I know bhai my dream will never come true ,

He said sadly and looked down ,

Virat then softly took his hand and went to buy the things they need after they are done they took their food and things to car and put it their then Virat grab subhman's hand and took him to back side of mall where they had a big place ,

Subhman asked where he is taking him but after seeing the back side he looked confused and looked at virat who gave him a trolley and told him to sit ,

Subhman very happily did and Virat played with him push the trolley and subhman enjoyed it after that they payed for this and went to their car and Virat drive the car to his apartment.

And after they reached subhman very happily said thanks to him and went to his room to change .

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

And from now i will start updating my stories my exams are over ,

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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