PART - 16

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Next day subhman took virat to a river side where he used to come when he was 6 or 7 years old he and Virat sat near a tree looking at the river.

Virat said ,

Virat:- subh

Subhman looked at him and hmmed

Virat:- why you love me what is in me that you love

Subhman:- why I can't love you ,you gave me every reason to love you you make me happy you make me geanully smile you make the child inside me came out everything thing about me is around you i started playing cricket because of Sachin sir but when I was in under 19 and I saw you playing you became my inspiration you become the reason i decided to not quit it and play everything in you i like the way your lips form a smile whenever you see someone else happy the way you laugh with your heart out the way your eyes shine everything just everything about you i love I am addicted to you I am obsessed with you .

Virat looked at him with tears in his eyes he said ,

Virat:- shub what if I never love you

Subhman smiled and said ,

Subhman:- my love for you is my love I am not forcing you to love me i just want to you happy be with me or with anyone else if you are happy I will always be happy my love whenever I will see you i will smile I will always love you no matter you love me or not .

Virat :- subhman gill I love you

He said tears in his eyes subhman looked at him and said ,

Subhman:- you don't have to force yourself virat if you don't love me you don't have to be with me

He said a hint of sadness in his eyes but virat cupped his face and made him look at him and said ,

Virat:- I am not forcing myself I really love me i was a fool to not love you before but now I realised that I cannot stay away from you and now I can't hide my feelings I have never thought that i will love you subh but now look what destiny did i really love you don't think I am forcing myself .

He said a genuine consern in his eyes.

Subhman stare at his eyes and then hugged him saying,

Subhman:- I love you too Virat i love you too .

They stayed like that for sometime then went their house,
Virat went to their room as he was feeling really sleepy and subhman went to his parents and told them to come in hall he want to talk with them it's really important they said okey.

Subhman:- papa mumma and di you all know how much i love you right

He said ,

They three said yes then he said ,

Subhman:- then I want to tell you that I love someone.

They all seemed happy and said ,

His father:- it's really great beta tell us who is she

Subhman:- papa it's not she it's he i love a man

All of them looked at him in shock but said ,

Papa:- why you never told us

Subhman:- papa i never knew that I can love a boy until i meet him.

His sis :- you are really in love man

His mom :- if you love him that we don't have any problem after all you are my son no matter who you like I will always support you and i am happy that you trusted is this much that you told us you love a boy .

Subhman:- you all are my family my everything and I want to start a new life with him with you all's permission I am happy that you all didn't react as I thought you all are really cool .

His papa:- well of course we are modern parents we are open minded we don't have any problem you loving a guy but ya if I get to know about this from someone else i would be really hurt but you told us so I am happy for you my son .

Subhman hugged three if then and said thank you all ..

His sis :- but subh atleast tell us who is that lucky guy that you love him this much who is he .

Subhman:- he is lucky but I am more lucky to have him in my life he is really my lucky charm my love.

His mom:- tell us name son we are waiting to know

Subhman:- his name is virat kholi

His father:- you are in love with your teammates and top of that to a senior

Subhman:- papa i couldn't control my heart he is really nice he just gave m every reason to love him .

His father:- okey baccha as you say so what you both are now .

His mom :- did you confessed

Subhman:- ya i confessed but I didn't ask him about being my boyfriend or husband so I will ask him soon he also love me I am sure we will goone have great life together.

( Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

And the next part will be last part and full of smut ..
Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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