PART - 5

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Subhman and Virat both were in car sitting not talking. subhman was in his phone and Virat was looking outside of window he was in his deep thoughts and something was making him happy that time subhman's presence give him a energy to fight with anyone.

Subhman is not so expensive while virat is a gloof ball love to talk subhman also talk a lot but not as much as Virat can .

Virat sat comfortably in car and he just stare in the front saw car and other vehicles passing soon he fall asleep.

And while he was sleeping he was struggling he was not able to find comfort and moving a lot.

Subhman notice that and he made virat kay his head on subhman's shoulder subhman just stare at his face .

And he don't know what got into him he kissed virat's forehead and in his sleep Virat relaxed his body .

Subhman was scrolling through Twitter and find out their videos and he was shocked but then saw who did it and he just smiled.

All the fans were calling subhi possesive for virat some said ,he is controlling himself  some said ,he wants to sit with his love.

And many more comments about them being couple this was tranding everywhere people were discussing about it .

Soon they reach their flat and subhman had not the heart of waking up Virat but he just shook him slightly and Virat woke up and apologized for sleeping on his shoulder to which subhman didn't said anything just smiled.

They went inside the flat and Virat showed subhman his room which was beside virat's room .

Virat took shower and then he went to kitchen to make something for them to eat and after he is done he went to Subhman's room to call him .

He didn't knock and just went inside thinking that he would be just laying on his bed but when he entered he saw subhman's room messed with clothes and his things.

He started to arrange them and then when he was arranging subhman opened the door of washroom,

He was not wearing anything just a towel in his tourso and looking hell hot he looked at his room and then at virat who was standing near cupboard arranging clothes.

A small smile formed on his lips he don't know why he just love to see virat's face he is really something else on this earth subhman always adore virat's beauty he is such a great creation of the god his everything is perfect.

Looks wise he can beat anyone also he is a perfect cricketer if he is in team then nothing is impossible he himself is a great victory.

If anyone had him then it's a achievement in himself,

He was thinking this but then he came out of his thoughts and went to virat .

Who was clearly not looking at him he was in his own world subhman smiled and then took a t shirt from cupboard virat looked at him .

He was shocked to see subhman standing infornt of him half naked and to be honest virat thought that he is hot as he is .

Virat just give him a smile and then hand over him clothes which subhman asked him to give and he did ,

Subhman went to Washroom and came after wearing them and then he started to help virat ,

Virat :- why you didn't arrange everything before taking bath

Subhman:- I was lazy

He said and a small pour form on his lips,

Virat :- subhi seriously

Subhman:- sorry

He said holding his ears virat laughed at him and then said let's go to eat after we are done to which subhman said yes ,

After they both were done they went to eat ,

They both started to eat and subhman really liked the food made by Virat it was really delicious,

Subhman:- it's delicious

Virat give him a big smile and said ,

Virat :- really.

Subhman nod and then stare at his face he is so cute subhman thought.

After they were done eating they wash dishes together Virat want to have fun so he splashed water in subhman,

Who did the same and then virat again did and ran away and subhman started to chase him and he get him when they were near couch and hold his tightly and pulled him towards himself,

Virat couldn't balance himself and hit his head hardik in subhman's chest,

Because of their height difference his head landed on subhman's chest and they fall in couch Virat in top of subhman who was holding him tightly by his waist .

Subhman's hands were under virat's t shirt he didn't did it intentionally but when they were falling his hand slipped their .

Virat closed his eyes he thought that he will get hurt but because subhman was holding him he didn't get hurt and subhman also didn't get hurt as his head landed on a soft part .

Subhman looked at virat whose eyes were closed and expression were scread .

He gently crase his cheeks and virat opened his eyes sensing what subhman did they both stare at eachother's eyes like their is not tomorrow.

Virat's hands in subhman's chest and subhman's on his waist and cheeks he smiled.

Virat then moved a bit subhman decide to tease him and started to tickle him Virat laughed loudly and did same .

They were out of breath because of this but still doing it after sometime they stopped and looked at eachother and laughed loudly.

Virat gave subhman a soft smile.

(Hope you all like it 🥰😍)

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