PART - 9

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Subhman was looking at virat with curious eyes as asking him who he is talking and about what he is talking,

After the call end Virat looked at subhman who was already looking at him ,

Virat :- subhman what happened

Subhman:- who was it bhai ,why you were smiling so much

Virat smiled at his cute action and said ,

Virat :- he was non another then our team's couch Rahul Dravid and he told me that I am going to be in the upcoming series of match .

Subhman:- you were not in team before?

Virat:- actually i  was on rest in this upcoming t-20 and test series

Subhman:- why you are perfectly fit then why they decided to give you rest

Virat :- actually they want to go with new team members in team so that's why

Subhman shake his head in disappointment and he said ,

Subhman:- they are really bitch bhai ,they don't know how to respect their team members they should know that most of the time when team collapse you are the one who always stand their and protect us ,
I don't understand why they are always behind you always experienct with team and mostly try to remove you from team

Virat:- subh that was past and now I am in team right so don't think too much and we should start packing our bags as we need to leave after 2 days ,

Subhman:- okey Bhai as you say

After breakfast they cleaned their utensils and Virat went to do other works as mopping the floor and sweeping the floor washing clothes,

Subhman was again following him like a puppy and he also helped him he tried to mop the floor and he successfully did till he accidentally spilled the water on Floor and then he looked at virat and give him a I am sorry smile ,

Virat took the mopping stick from him and then clean the whole floor then he went to tie the clothes on hanger so that the clothes could be dry ,

Subhman was also helping him after that they folded the dry clothes then they arranged it then they went to clean their bedroom first they cleaned subhman's room placing everything on place cleaning his table and over all whole room then virat's room which was not that dirty they cleaned it then they swipe the floor then mop it and after everything done they went to balcony to clean it as it was also a bit dirty ,

After everything done Virat sat in couch feeling extremely tired subhman sat beside him and hugged him his hands on virat's waist Virat also smuggled close to him and put his head on his chest subhman laid on couch and Virat in top of him his hands around virat's body so that he won't fall and virat's eyes closed hands were around subhman's neck and he was hugging him like cola ,

Soon they both fell asleep as they were tired around 5 they woke up and then they went to gym to do gym as they didn't did it in morning Virat was feeling shy after he woke up and saw the position they were sleeping and in gym he was only thinking about that and his cheeks and ears were covered in red tinted blush.
They stayed their first three hours and after that went to their apartment and took shower,

Virat took warm shower letting his body relaxed letting himself socked in warm water he was feeling better the whole day was so tiring although he was sleeping too but his mind was occupied with team .

After shower he went to kitchen where he saw subhman he was cutting looking at kitchen with hand on his chin and thinking something Virat got curious and walked towards him he said ,

Virat :- what are you thinking subh

Subhman:- well I was thinking of what I should cook

Virat :- do you know how to cook

Subhman shook his head as no Virat ruffled his hairs and said,

Virat :- how about we both cook together

Subhman excitedly looked at him and answered with shining eyes,

Subhman:- okey Bhai

But that shine dimmed and he said with a sad pout ,

Subhman:- what should we cook

Virat :- how about pasta

Subhman:- okey

They both started to cook pasta subhman was helping Virat and he was passing him ingredients jumping here and their and he was kissing virat's cheeks time to time whenever he gets close to him ,

Virat was chuckling at his child like behaviour and he was also feeling so shy because of his actions,

After he was done making it and the pasta was cooking he turned around and subhman came close to him Virat was short compared to Subhman as he was heightened subhman looked at him and he went to kiss on his cheeks and then on his forehead then on his nose then on left cheek then on his eyes virat was giggling because of this .

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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