PART - 15

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Their flight journey was pretty good most of the time subhman was sleeping and virat was adoring him but at last he also fell asleep he was also tired.

Unknowingly in his sleep he put his all weight on subhman's he was almost sleeping on subhman.

When subhman woke he he was greeted with a very beautiful view his sweetheart sleeping on him very peacefully.

He stroke virat's hairs and gently made him lay on his sit who whined .

After two hours of sleeping he woke up still feeling sleepy but also hungry they ordered food are it then again virat slept for one hour and subhman went to Washroom.

After virat woke up they watched a movie and their plan Landed on Punjab's airport at 2 am in midnight.

Both of them were tired but excited to meet subhman's family as always virat's guards with them they opened car doors for them although subhman told Virat not to arrange car but he didn't listen having contact in Punjab he arranged a car for them to go to Subhman's house.

When they arrived they rang Bell and subhman's mol opened the door and they entered the house virat greeted them very politely. His family didn't said anything just staring at virat with pure admiration.

Virat felt uncomfortable with stare and looked at subhman who looked at his family and told them not to do that .

They just laughed at embarrassment as they themselves didn't notice they were staring at virat .

Subhman's mom :- you both must be tried go and get fresh up and sleep it's already very late let's talk in morning.

They both nod and went to Subhman's room his family got confused why Virat is going with subhman but they didnt ask them thinking it's normal for them as their team always share room .

Virat went to get fresh up when he came he saw Subhman already sleeping in his bed .

He smiled at his cute behaviour and shake him a little told him to go and get fresh up who just nod his head being sleepy he didn't saw where he was going and hit his head on door he hitched in pain .

Virat looked at him and went to him massaging that spot where he got hurt and scold him who looked at him like a baby looking at his mumma.

After a good scolding he went to get fresh up virat arranged his clothes in subhman's closet then sat on bed closing his eyes waiting for subhman.

Who came their his hairs wet and looking absolutely hot he carelessly dried his hairs and went to bed Virat sensing his presence opend his eyes only to see subhman clumsily coming to bed he got up from bed took towel made subhman sit on bed who was slucking as the big baby really want to sleep.

Virat dired is hairs and then subhman fall asleep virat also joined him on bed subhman held him closer to himself by his waist .

And fell asleep virat also slept like that knowing they both need rest.

Next morning when Virat woke up he saw subhman hugging his lon hand and sleeping he chuckled at this cute behaviour he can't with this boy .

He went to get fresh up after coming to his room he was placing towel on stand so that the towel can get dry subhman's mom entered the room and she went to Subhman creasing his forehead and head shubham unknowingly shifted to his mom's lap virat looked at them and smiled he took his phone out and took video put that as his insta story.

She was trying to woke subhman up with love saying sweet things to him and subhman also had smile in his face in his sleep.

After sometime he woke up and hugged his mom saying he missed her she also said she missed him kissing his forehead then they looked in front and saw virat sitting on couch looking at them smiling.

Subhman's mom said good morning and Virat also replied Subhman went to get fresh up and subhman's mom told them to come downstairs after subhman get fresh up virat nod and waited for subhman who came their and saw virat reding a book .

He went near him and kissed his nap Virat's breath got catched he turned only to get crashed by subhman's lips on his they both kissed eachother passionately then after that went downstairs to have breakfast.

They had breakfast with family subhman's dad asked Virat about suddenly coming he replied that he wants to come here because he wants to go on different places here Punjab is really beautiful so he wants to enjoy going on tourist places and all .

Then subhman's sis told Virat about how he was in his childhood and many more memories that Virat listen very attentively.

After breakfast they all played Ludo while eating idli that subhman's mom was making although they all were full but the idil was tasting so good that they were not able to resist.

After that in afternoon virat and subhman went to ground for practicing although it's their holiday but they want to practice they both played for 4 or 5 hours then went back to their house and took shower then went to gurudwara for Puja .

Then after coming had dinner with subhman's family and then they all played badminton with eachother enjoyed with eachother.

And fans were going wild seeing this on internet as both of them were posting pictures and stories.

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes in)

Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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