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After subhman changed he sat in his bed and took out his phone and started to look at the photo he took with Virat and that kid he looked at for so much time more like staring at it ,

And he was particularly staring at virat's and then he checked his Instagram where there was his and virat's photos of mall and with kid in garden and everyone wa parsing them and saying how cute they are looking,

Some even said they look like comment and in one photo where subhman was staring at virat some people said he was looking at his love of life some said Virat had long night after this ,some said subhman love Virat and many more ,

Their were train of comments on that post people were going crazy seeing this ,

After sometime he went to hall and saw virat arranging table he helped him and they ate together and then Virat and subhman together washed their plates and utensils and Virat started to arrange things in kitchen,

After that Virat was going to his room but something came in subhman's mind and he grabbed his hand ,Virat looked at him ,and said ,

Virat :- what happened subh

Subhman instantly got nervous and looked down and said ,

Subhman:- bhai ....vo..I..I....

He was shuttering and virat then grab him by his shoulder and made him look at him and said ,

Virat :- subhman you know na you can tell me anything

Subhman:- bhai actually........I have feelings.......

He didn't said anything further and Virat then said ,very calmly,

Virat :- subhman tell me what is bothering you who you have feelings for

Subhman:- bhai u don't know what Is happing with me all i know that I am having dirty thoughts about you I am getting attracted towards you i don't know what are this feeling but I feel something different around you you make me forget my pain when I see your smile I get happy and when I see you sad I got hurt i don't know what I am feeling please help me ,

Virat looked at him and he was stiff on his place didn't move even a bit it was looking like he was holding his breath after sometime he said ,

Virat :- subhman it's normal it happens with everyone and don't think too much this feeling will go by time

Subhman:- but i don't want this feeling to fade away

Virat:- what do you mean

Subhman:- I want to feel you i don't know what is love but if love is you love is having you beside me if love is protecting you if love is leaving with you if love is staying with you forever till eternity then I want to love you

He said nervously but he let his heart out virat's eyes got soft and he got closer to Subhman and said ,

Virat:- why you want me subhman I will only give you pain and maybe i will never be able to forget rohit i will only bring you hurt and eventually you will leave me

Subhman:- no i am willing to take pain that hurt i just want you i just want you no matter what you matter the most i can't see you with anyone else it's hurts something in my heart i just can't bear the thought of seeing you with anyone else i can't imagine someone else making you smile and you are caring for him i just can't

Virat :- subhi you sure you have this feeling for me and this is not attraction

Subhman:- i don't know i just know i want you

Virat softly smiled at him and said ,

Virat :; okey then let's discover this feeling together

Subhman looked at him with shine in his eyes and hugged him ,

Subhman:- thank you so much Bhai

Virat :- don't thank me subh I also want to live you someone like you is hard to get in life and if we have them then let's tresure them i just want you happy and about me i know that i also feeling something for you i just don't know what I feel but we will know this together,

Subhman:- yes we will find this together

They both smiled at eachother and went to their rooms subhman closed his room and sat on floor and put his hand on his heart and said to himself

I finally told him what I feel i told him I am so relieved now and he even said he also feel something different around me we both have something for eachother we feel something for eachother we have feelings for eachother

He smiled so widely and went to his bed and started to roll on bed he was giggling and hugging his pillow tightly,

A big smile on his face indicating how happy he is he himself don't know when he fall asleep,

On other hand virat went to his room witha soft smile on his face he smiled to himself and said to himself,

He said he love me he said he wants to protect me he wants to bare every pain just to stay with me i am really going to be mad because of this kid

He smiled ti himself and sat on bed with a smile and started to think about subhman's confession,

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

Hope you all like it 🥰🥰.

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